Incendiary Image of the Day: This Used to Be A QOTD About Mike B...

  Uncle. TTAG's Armed Intelligentisa has spoken: I can't write a post quoting MikeB302000's opinions on gun control without it becoming about MikeB302000. The posts antagonize TTAG commentariat, raise false charges of page view pandering...

Why You Shouldn’t Engage an Active Shooter And What to Do If You Do

  I learned a great deal about police procedure at the SIG SAUER Active Shooter Instructor's  Course. If there's one key piece of information that an armed citizen facing a gun-wielding madman in a public...

Quote of the Day: Here We Go Edition

  “If we need to change the law, let us at least craft a law that is very severely constrained and narrowly tailored so that we don’t invite guns out of control on each of...

Quote of the Day: Simply No Evidence Edition

"But our imaginations (of Dodge City and blood in the streets), it turns out, are not a good guide to reality. None of this happened. Homicides did not rise after we legalized concealed carry,...

Just Another Chicago Sun-Times Anti-Gun Editorial

  When airport police busted Illinois state Sen. Donne E. Trotte for attempting to board a plane with a .25-caliber Beretta, the People of the Gun cried foul. How could a Chicago Democrat---a member of a state...

Quote of the Day: Black Reality Edition

"The reality of a Black man carrying a gun on the dangerous South Side of Chicago should be noted. In spite of the police reports stating that the crime rate in Chicago is on...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Unidentified Utah Dog Walker

  "A man was arguing with his girlfriend in a car just outside the Woodgate apartment complex at 3581 W. Cobble Ridge Drive," reports. "As the argument got more heated, a man walking his...

Illinois Senator Donne Trotter Is Not a Hypocrite. Really.

By now, you've probably heard about Illinois State Senator Donne Trotter's little run-in with the TSA at O'Hare on Wednesday. Seems the Democrat and state senate appropriations committee chairman he was trying to board...

Question of the Day: Should You Tell Newbies The Whole Truth About Guns?

35 Sorry FoD, but I don't think The People of the Gun should erect psychological barriers for Americans contemplating exercising their Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. It really isn't that complicated. Buy gun,...

Simunitions Training around Cars: Lessons Learned

10 As our last activity at the Crimson Trace Gunsite event, we pulled out the Simunitions and gamed out some scenarios involving shooting around cars. It was set up like a competition, with the winner...

Quote of the Day: Ignorance is Bliss for Michael Woods (Or Not) Edition

"Listen, I just work in the toy department. I don't pretend to be clever enough or informed enough to be able to solve or even begin to address the culture of casual violence and...

It Should Have Been A Defensive Gun Use: NY Subway Pusher Edition

Over at the forumistas debated whether or not an armed citizen should have shot New York City subway pusher Naeem Davis after he killed Ki Suk Han. Huh? Generally speaking, you can only shoot another...