Shooting out of the Driver’s Side Window of a Car (CT Gunsite Event)

19 I carry a gun while I drive, but I've never really thought about weapons deployment from the driver's seat. How, exactly, do you kill someone who's trying to kill you when you can't get...

OK OC: All’s Quiet on the Midwestern Front

By Jim Duke A month ago on November 1, a new law allowing the open carry of firearms in Oklahoma took effect. To the surprise of no one, in the days and weeks leading up to...

Personal Defense Tip: Learn to Walk Away

By Jim Duke I'm not what you'd call meek. I don't like assholes and I'm not afraid to let them know it when the need arises. Unfortunately, they seem to be everywhere these days. From...

What Sauce for a Hi-Point?

  When two doods strolled into the Diamante Restaurant in Lost Wages Sunday night, they were met there by Obdulio Gudiel. Seems Gudiel had sold three cars to one of the two, Victor Larios, who's...

Incendiary Image of the Day: Armed to the, uh, Teeth Edition

We guess she'll want to wear pants when going through airport security.

Quote of the Day: Willful Self Deceit Edition

"I can't fathom the idea of going to the mall and just thinking that under that coat over there, or in that purse, there might be a weapon . . . We cannot allow...

Quote of the Day: That’ll Do Edition

"Why would some of these students choose to stay in their current living situations? Some of them are undoubtedly too busy clicking their spurs together and shooting multiple revolvers into the air, Yosemite Sam-style,...

OMG! A Judge! Who Wants to Carry a Gun! OMG!

"Telling colleagues and superiors that he fears a family law litigant, Anoka County Judge John Dehen wants to carry a gun into the courthouse." Sounds reasonable enough, no? After all, it's not like courthouse...

Question of the Day: How Much Firearms Training Does Anyone Need?

51 We've put this question to the Armed Intelligentsia before. But I thought I'd raise it again, what with the release of this documentary about Front Sight. 'Cause it strikes me that a lot of...

Hey Cinemark: How’s That Whole “Gun Free Zone” Thing Working Out For You?

  On July 20, 2012, James Holmes shot and killed 12 people and wounded 58 at a cinema in Aurora, Colorado. Like all Cinemark theaters, it was a "gun free" zone (i.e., no legal firearms allowed)....

DGU of the Day: San Antonio Black Friday Brawl Edition

  "Black Friday got off to a rowdy start at a San Antonio mall," reports, "where police say one shopper pulled a gun on another who punched him in the face while they were waiting...

Kansas Concealed Carry Killers. Or Not.

  One of the cardinal rules of journalism: don't start an article with a statistic. It'll turn off readers faster than Roseanne Barr singing the National Anthem. Naked. So I'll say this much before the...