Keep Illinois Concealed Carry Free!

Reader Jessica W. writes: I have been reading your site for about a year and wanted to pass on this mail from and wanted to share with you guys. I am really disappointed in...

Intercepted Twilight Saga Spree Killer Was Headed for A Gun Free Zone

  "A southwest Missouri man accused of plotting to shoot up a movie theater during the new Twilight film was charged Friday after his mother contacted police," reports, "telling them she worried her son...

Result of Florida Governor’s Panel on Changes to “Stand Your Ground” Law: Nothing

Following the Trayvon Martin shooting, there was a massive backlash against Florida's Stand Your Ground law -- the one that removes the duty to retreat from somewhere you have a legal right to be...

Question of the Day: Where’s the Line Between “Prepared” and “Mall Ninja”?

TTAG reader ST writes: The genesis of this question came about as I perused my gun collection and wondered which carry weapon to choose. Unfortunately, the decision isn't the easiest one to make in the...

NSSF: Concealed Carry Basics

8 Alright, if you've been packing for any amount of time, you've probably thought through what's covered in this latest NSSF video already. Or not. In any case, there are lots of you out there...

Prevent Violence Doesn’t Know How

14 "If everyone carried a gun we'd be safe." That's the pro-gun side of the argument, as presented by the young actor above. I have two words for that: if only. I mean, if only...

Self-Defense Tip: How Not To Shoot an Off-Duty Cop

20 What are the odds of taking out a Belker? Well here's some sobering info courtesy Sgt. Michael Harding of the Tactics & Survival Training Unit in Los Angeles County. "During early evolutions of our force-on-force active-shooter training, we...

Nine IL Counties Vote on Concealed Carry Today

Not that the outcomes of the referenda, one way or the other, will have any effect on downstaters' ability to pack heat any time soon. From "The measures are non-binding, since no local...

Colorado Campus Carry Controversy Conversation Continues

By TTAG reader girlswithguns In their never-ending effort to serve the community and examine the tough issues, the Denver Post ran a point-counterpoint on campus carry yesterday. Never mind the fact that, thanks to the...

OMG! Guns At Airports! Again! Still! OMG!

This isn't the first time we've drawn your attention to the fact that the blue-shirted goons at the Transport Safety Administration are regularly, in fact routinely, stopping passengers with loaded guns in their bags....

Question of the Day: Are Gun Control Advocates Racists?

Here's a recent comment posted by our resident gun control advocate MikeB302000 that I've adapted for effect: "Don’t you see that your way all the people who don’t want BLACKS IN THEIR COMMUNITY have...

It Should Have Been A DGU: Snake Attack Edition

  Here at TTAG, we joke about shower carry. As for hot tubs and nude beaches and other wet places where tooling-up can have an entirely different meaning, well, whatcha gonna do when they come...