Learning to Appreciate Gun Rights the Hard Way

"I thought they'd jump right up from the table and shoot me." That's how Nikki Goeser describes her childhood fear of guns. But she's not afraid of them any more, even after seeing her...

New Explanation for Gun Sales Surge: Baby Boomers Go Bang

Gun sales are up. NICS background checks are up. Firearms carry permit applications are up. TTAG's readership numbers are up. The whole damn firearms industry is experiencing unprecedented priapism, a trend that started just...

“Band-Aid Violence” – It Ain’t A River in Egypt

Based on what I read this past week, I am not alone in my decision to purchase a firearm. American Public Media's radio program Marketplace reported on an increase in sales and profits for...

Quote of the Day: Voice of Experience Edition

"The threat posed by having many weapon-carrying students and faculty only increases the danger of having an innocent bystander’s life taken in an exchange of fire or even a negligent discharge. I fully respect...

Note to TSA: FOAD

NBC reports that the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is testing passengers' drinks for explosives after passengers clear security. Probable cause for a warrantless search? Hey, you're going on an airplane. That's probable cause enough!...

Question of the Day: What’s the Big Deal About Printing?

TTAG commentator Buuurr writes: "I’ve always wondered what the obsession with printing was myself. I wear my Springfield XDm 9mm with the extended mag in a pocket holster all the time. The mag of...

Self-Defense Tip: Hide Your Gun During Casual Sex

  I love the phrase "casual sex." It makes sexual congress with a stranger seem like it's only a few notches above a casual remark. "So  . . . how was it? Casual. Casual like...

Question of the Day: What Keeps You From Carrying?

After some friends came in from out of town for the three day weekend, I woke up to find myself in that transition zone between still loving Macallan 12 and cursing its very existence....

Random Thoughts About Neil Armstrong and Compact .45s

As a ten-year-old at summer camp I watched Neil Armstrong push-off the ladder of the Lunar Excursion Module, step onto the surface of the moon and declare "That's one small step for man, one...

Self-Defense Tip: Don’t Purse Carry

"What do you do if your purse is your only option?" I'm not buying the premise. As 1,154,131 (and counting) faliaphotography fans know, women have a wide variety of firearms and carry options that don't run...

Facebook Comment of the Day: NRA Members Are Terrorists (Pt. 1) Edition

As gunfreezone.net discovered, Brian Dzyak is a Hollywood cinematographer who makes movies that "glorify" guns (e.g. G.I. Joe and The Bourne Identity). Of course that's just fantasy. As is the idea that the NRA is...

NJ Workplace Shooting: Another Day in Gun-Free Paradise

  "An employee at a New Jersey supermarket shot two coworkers and then killed himself inside the store early Friday morning," wsj.com reports. "The shooter, described by relatives as a former Marine who loved...