What If Women Had the Same Rights As Guns? [VIDEO]

America's newspaper of record (TM) the Babylon Bee has committed another act of blatant drive-by journalism. They've released a new video showing what the world would be like if women had the same rights...

GUN HERO OF THE DAY: More On The Warner Robins Child Abduction Thwarted...

More details of the harrowing story of the good guy with a gun who stopped a child abduction and attempted murder behind a Warner Robins, Georgia Walmart have come to light. While waiting for...

Armed, Masked Intruder Suffers Epic Fail in the Victim Selection Test

Eighteen-year-old Marrell Tyler probably should have gone to bed early last week. Instead, he donned a ski mask, pulled a gun, and then entered someone else's apartment in Kokomo, Indiana.  He would later tell...
crime scene

Armed Good Samaritan Stops Child Abduction Outside Georgia Walmart

My wife worries a lot about someone grabbing one of our twin boys while she's strapping the other one into his car seat. A similar scenario just happened in a Walmart parking lot in...
Santa Clara County Sheriff Laurie Smith

‘Retired’ Santa Clara Sheriff Laurie Smith Found Guilty of Concealed Carry Corruption

Before the US Supreme Court's Bruen decision was handed down, we all noticed how it seemed like celebrities and the well-connected had no problems getting a carry license.  The little people like you and...
Churchgoers Security Training

A SAF Win in New York: Judge Issues Injunction Blocking Enforcement of State’s Ban...

Last month, a US District Court judge issued a temporary restraining order blocking enforcement of New York's newly-enacted ban on carrying firearms in houses of worship. As Judge John Sinatra, Jr. wrote at the...

Florida Man Points a Fake Gun at a Man Sitting In His Car and...

You've read the platitude in the comments a thousand times - play stupid games, win stupid prizes. The recent equivalent for a Florida man was, walk up to an innocent man in a car...

DISPARITY OF FORCE: 5’6″ 140-lb CCW Holder Cleared In Triple Shooting After Group...

Against unarmed adversaries, a defender can resort to deadly force if a disparity of force exists.  And a young auto mechanic with a concealed carry license did just that in Bucks County, PA days...
Publix supermarket

Risky Business: Florida Man Intervenes to Save Pregnant Woman Being Attacked Outside Publix Store

Using force to protect third-parties poses all manner of dangers to a good guy with a gun.  Sometimes though, it's clear to even most low-information types that force is justified against an attacker of...
handcuffs hand cuffs arrest

Know What To Say — And What Not To Say — When Responding To...

While more and more good guys continue to carry in both shall-issue states as well as constitutional carry states, most folks still don't know the best thing to say while responding officers in the...

Relax New Yorkers, You’ll Still Be Able to Make Life Difficult for Concealed Carriers

Over the past four decades, most American states chose to let everyday citizens carry concealed weapons. Indeed, about half of states no longer even require a permit to pack heat. New York took a different...

Star-Ledger: New Jersey’s New Limits on Concealed Carry are Fair, Balanced, and Constitutional

Let’s pause here to consider that bursting pipeline of applicants, and allow the math to guide our next steps. Imagine the consequences of another 15,000 guns in each New Jersey county. Imagine thousands...