Gear Review: Galco’s New-for-2011 Product Line Exposed
I met Mike Barham during my recent training at Gunsite. Galco Gunleather spinmeister grabbed a chair and talked leather and Kydex. As kinky as that sounds, it pretty much is. Anyone who doesn't appreciate...
“It’s not unreasonable to imagine a situation in which a patron under the influence...
Maybe not in Hollywood. But here in the real world it is entirely unreasonable to restrict the right of legal concealed carry weapons (CCW) permit holders to carry a weapon in a bar based...
Gear Review: The Remora Holster, Perfect for Slob Carry
Whether it's tea and scones at Buckingham Palace or tactical training at Quantico, I'm always impeccably dressed, groomed to the nines and as neat as a pin. Except when I'm not. Just as women...
Isthmus Journo Plays the Race Card in WI Concealed Carry Debate
The Isthmus is Madison, Wisconsin’s weekly “alternative” newspaper. That’s code for "so far to the left they're not even close to right." Every town of any size has one of these left-leaning do-rags, from...
Texas School Carry: “I have a cunning plan…”
You'd think (if you go by perception rather than reality) that Texas would have the most unrestrictive gun laws in the nation. And you'd be wrong. But there are those who keep trying to...
Why Chicago Mayor Daley Should Have Armed Guards
The gun rights community is sickened, I say, I say, sickened I say by reports that ex-Chicago Mayor Richard "No Guns for You" Daley has requested armed bodyguards into retirement, at the taxpayers' expense....
Just yesterday . . .
we had to call the police because there was man in a car in our backyard telling everyone at a church fundraiser that he was going to find and kill everyone on the street....
Virginia Railway Express’ Secret Police Program Revealed
If you want to pack heat on Amtrak, you have to tell the railroad a week in advance, stow your weapon in a locked container and check it into the luggage car. If you're...
Question of the Day: What Kind of Cop Opposes Campus Carry?
"Parents, university officials and campus police took to Capitol Hill on Tuesday, wearing bright-red 'Campus No!' stickers to protest legislation that would have allowed professors and staff to carry weapons onto the gun-free campuses...
What Could Possibly Go Wrong: Rats Live On No Evil Star Edition
From "Two finger holes help you keep your firearm firmly in your hand with minimal 'dancing' and bite as your shoot your firearm still holstered in the PocketPal-380. Your trigger finger...