“The concept of concealed, loaded hand guns in the possession of private citizens does...
The concept of concealed, loaded handguns or the reality of concealed, loaded handguns? Either way, Illinois Governor Pat Quinn reckons Illinois is better off without armed citizens walking freely about the The Land of...
Three Reasons Gun Control Advocates Don’t Want You to Have A Gun
If you're wondering why the gun control community favors civilian disarmament, it's all about personal responsibility. They don't believe that Americans are responsible enough to own a gun. Why? I've got a simple list....
Question of the Day: IWB or OWB?
The main reason I carry Outside the Waistband (OWB): me. Too much of me. As a result of my appetite for life (and ice cream), Inside the Waistband (IWB) holsters make a hair shirt...
Self-Defense Tip: Three Things to Do Before You Shoot Someone
Let me be perfectly clear: these are three things you need to do before you shoot someone who needs shooting. That would be a person or persons who pose an imminent threat of death...
How Much Money Should You Spend on Self Defense Per Year?
When smart people want to know how much time, money and money to spend protecting an asset---be it a nuclear missile silo or a corporate server room---they come to me. Or someone like me....
New Colt Mustang Offers Stainless Steel Slide
Ye Olde Colt .380 Mustang was an iconic gun, offering all the I'm-Too-Sexy-for My-Shirt coolness of a 1911 in a shirt-compatible size. When it was launched in 1986, the pistol's sales burned hot---until 1997,...
Chicago Transit Union Comes Out for Concealed Carry
If all goes well, NRA lobbyist Todd Vandermyde will stroll into the NRA convention this weekend a conquering hero. After more than a decade of hard work, with the help of patriotic Americans from...
Gun Review: Glock G19 (Gen4)
I’ve always disliked Glocks. My Glock aversion started the moment I first shot Gaston's pistol. The gun left this small-handed shooter feeling like he'd shaken hands with a Genoa salami. My groups were wider...
USA Today: Gun Rights Suck
"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun." That's a quote from the Dalai Lama published in the Seattle Times...
Firearms Confidential: A Tale of Three Cities. Pt. 1 New York
New York City is my “home town,” so I have to admit a bias, borne of knowledge gained through years and sometimes pain. When I was growing up here, it was a safe place....
Concealed Carry Handbags: Fashion Meets Function?
gunholsters.com has a puff post on handbags sold by designerconcealedcarry.com for pistol-packing fashion victims. Only Sam applies that adjective without irony. "Anyone who's seen with with one of those bags needs to be shot, not...