From the Too Stupid to Live Dept: Robbers Jack Cop.

One of the beautiful things about the concept of concealed carry permits is that the bad guys never know who might be armed. Of course, that presupposes that the criminals are bright enough to...

A Fourth Reason Reason Not to Carry A Concealed Gun

Via The Clermont County Sheriff's Office said a man walked into Dave’s Grocery on U.S. 50 in Marathon at about 9 p.m. and pulled out a gun, demanding money. The store's owner, Narendra “Goppi” Patel,...

Four Reasons Why You SHOULD Carry a Concealed Gun

Our founder/managing editor/etc. RF penned a thoughtful, well-reasoned argument for why you should NOT carry a concealed weapon. I'd like to play Devil's Advocate and present the flip side of why you SHOULD carry...

Three Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Carry A Concealed Gun

All Americans should be able to walk into a store, buy a gun, buy some bullets, insert the bullets into the gun, place the firearm on their person and walk out. Just like that....

Two Ways to Interpret a Self-Defense Shooting

5 Before we do the armchair analysis, here are the facts, as presented by the pro-gun-rights folks at Police say that a 28 year old man was loading groceries into his car, in the parking...

Three Reasons Why It’s OK to Want to Carry a Concealed Gun

My application for a concealed carry license is almost complete. The big Kahuna: a one-page letter explaining why I want to carry a concealed firearm. As Rhode Island is a "shall issue" state, and...

Concealed Carry to Become “Constitutional Carry”?

TTAG's campaign to convince the media to use the phrase "home defense rifle" instead of "assault rifle" was a miserable failure. As was the firearms industry's attempt to euthanize the euphemism in favor of the...

Open Carry vs. Concealed Carry? Wrong Question . . .

Oh, sure. I know what you're thinking. Just after Martin Albright posted a well-reasoned, rational argument against Open Carry, here comes another article with a contrarian view. Will the madness never end? Why can't...

Open Carry is a Bad Idea

Open Carry (OC) is a hot topic on TTAG. No surprise; a lot of gun rights proponents heart OC. At first blush, it seems a promising way to extend and defend Second Amendment rights. In many...

Question of the Day: Should All Guns Fire All Ammo?

Caleb over at reports that his website's testing and evaluation Ruger SR9c is balking at Remington UMC 115 grain ammo. Ain't that the damnedest thing? 'Cause that's the exact same gun I'm testing now, with the exact...

RI Concealed Carry Permit Qualification

I've put my application for a RI concealed carry permit on the back burner. My English daughters are finishing their summer vacation in the Land of the Free; I resolved not to wear my...

Dog Shooting Remains Controversial

That story of the shooting of a Husky still has four legs around here, though the shooting of a family man sitting in his car at a traffic light near BWI may supersede it....