California Senator Anthony Portantino

As Expected, ‘May-Issue’ States Are Going to Have to be Forced Into Compliance With...

As nearly ideal as the Supreme Court's Bruen decision was, no one thought the states that exercise maximum control over who can fully exercise their Second Amendment rights -- and who can't -- would go...
Black Women Guns

Vespa: Even Californians Are Going to Have to Get Used to More Black People...

The Left still doesn’t get that the Second Amendment is for everyone. This proves it. Whatever the reason, you have a right to bear arms. Whatever the reason. And yes, while the liberal...
New York City Mayor Eric Adams

SAF, FPC File for Injunction to Stop City of New York from Enforcing its...

From the Second Amendment Foundation . . . Based on the ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court striking down New York State’s unconstitutional “good cause” requirement for concealed carry permit applicants, the Second Amendment Foundation...
Rob Bonta Gun Control California

Intimidation: California AG Posted the Names, Personal Info of Carry Permit Holders After Bruen...

By Lee Williams On Monday, California Attorney General Rob Bonta posted the names and addresses of concealed-carry permit holders on a California Department of Justice website. At least for a time. In a press release, Bonta...
2nd amendment is my gun permit constitutional carry

Why Public Officials Should Never Be Able to Decide Who Gets a Concealed Carry...

Last week, a candidate for Sheriff in San Diego made some controversial comments about the bathrooms transgender people use. The ensuing media coverage and social media discussion, as well as statements by public officials,...

FBI Reveals Six ‘Active Shooter’ Incidents Stopped By Armed Americans in 2021

Why is it that America's legacy media refuse to report on the proven benefits of firearm ownership? Is it because doing so would reflect poorly upon the (mostly) Democrats who would like to legislate...

West Virginia Police Say Woman With CCW Stopped a Mass Shooting, Saved Lives

Charleston Police Department's Chief of Detectives Tony Hazelett credited an unnamed Charleston concealed carry license holder with stopping the threat following a shooting Wednesday evening. Police say Dennis Butler returned after being lectured about...
Biden confused lost

There’s No Better Case for Changing New York’s Gun Laws Than the Buffalo Supermarket...

From the CCRKBA . . . While anti-gun politicians exploit the mass shooting at a Buffalo, New York supermarket to demand stricter gun laws, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms...
Philando Castile traffic stop shooting

Massad Ayoob On the Philando Castile Shooting and What To Do If You’re Stopped...

In a recent video, Wilson Combat hosted Massad Ayoob, who provided advice based on the tragic death of Philando Castile. For those unfamiliar, a police officer shot and killed Castile while he was lawfully...
concealed carry holster draw pistol

The Gunshine State, Indeed: Florida Tops 2.5 Million Concealed Carry Permits

According to the latest reports from the lovely, sunny state of Florida, the number of active concealed weapon permits has just exceeded 2.5 million for the first time. That's over 20 percent of the...

Life in Chicago: Theatre Cancels Sunday Evening Show Due To Double Shooting Outside

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot's lousy leadership continues to pay dividends for the violent criminals element in her city. Even in formerly nice and relatively peaceful parts of the city by the lake, criminals now...
man cartoon horrified scared

Having Every Tom, Dick And Harriet Carrying a Gun Would Leave New York ‘Defenseless’

The last thing New York needs is for every Tom, Dick and Harriet on the street to be carrying. Moreover, the argument for reasonable restrictions on the Second Amendment is hardly new. Indeed, many conservative legal experts...