NYPD new york city police

Gun Control Laws Like ‘May Issue’ Carry Permits Aren’t Only Racist, They’re Also Corrupt

I once tried to get a carry permit in New York. First, I had to read 60 pages of instructions about irrelevant things like "metal knuckle knives" and "kung fu stars," fill out a confusing 17-page form,...
arvada colorado police shooting

In a Country With Over 100 Million Gun Owners, Law Enforcement Needs to Relearn...

he optimal number of times for to happen is zero. Sometimes you hear these kinds of stories and the circumstances seem like some horrific, star-crossed accident. Other times they seem like outright murder....

Illinois Instructor Faces a Felony Charge For Improper Concealed Carry Training

While more and more states dispense with concealed carry licensing along with training requirements in favor of constitutional carry, some state still have these mandates in place. Illinois, as the last state in the...
Phoenix police brookins shooting

Good Guy With a Gun Mistakenly Shot and Killed By Phoenix Police [VIDEO]

A recent officer-involved-shooting in Phoenix presents a host of lessons we can all learn from. A responding police officer there mistakenly shot a good guy with a gun as he held a pair of...
virus gun store sales

Basic Gun Store Etiquette: Please Don’t Draw Your Gun

By Marlon Knapp Working in a gun shop, you get to interact with people at all levels of firearm experience. Most times the interaction is pleasant for all involved. But other times...well, you get where...

Gun-Sniffing Dog Snitches on Concealed Carriers in Houston Malls

Okay, okay, "snitches" is a little strong. I'm sure Maki is a good boy. He's just doing what he was trained to do, which is to sniff out concealed firearms on customers in five...
Sheriff Alex Villanueva

The ‘May Issue’ Ignorance of LA County Sheriff Alex Villanueva

Despite skyrocketing violent crime rates, Sheriff Alex Villanueva steadfastly refuses to allow his constituents to defend themselves. By Lee Williams Violent crime is skyrocketing in Los Angeles County, Sheriff Alex Villanueva announced yesterday on Instagram. Homicides...
Teacher Training Shootings

Armed Utah Teacher Stops Playground Kidnapping Attempt

Wait...we've been told by all of the smartest people that teachers and other school staff members carrying firearms is inherently dangerous and irresponsible. They've assured us that the very concept of a good guy...
Concealed carry gun pistol

Does a Graduated Step Toward Constitutional Carry Make Sense for Some States?

We the People of the Gun have debated constitutional carry vs. shall-issue for quite some time. The shall-issue debate breaks along the dividing line of a perfunctory NICS check vs. training/testing/qualification requirements. The debate...
Eric Adams

NYC Mayor Candidate, Former NYPD Cop Says He’ll Carry a Gun if Elected

By Larry Keane New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is in denial about the city’s crime. His time as the accidental mayor of Gotham is winding down just as crime has risen, leaving residents scared to walk the...

How Do You Off-Body Carry?

Off-body carry -- carrying a concealed gun in a a briefcase, backpack, purse, whatever -- isn't ideal. It usually makes it more difficult and slower to access your gun. Then there's the fact that...

Even in a Constitutional Carry State, a Concealed Carry Permit is Still a Very...

Last night's passage of a constitutional carry bill by the Texas Senate has Texans all aflutter. There's still much to be done before it becomes law and we're hearing that the bill's fate is...