Even Journalists Are Intelligent Enough to Carry Firearms

Conclusive Proof: Even Journalists Are Intelligent Enough to Carry Firearms

The Kentucky Senate passed a constitutional carry bill last week. Constitutional carry, if you're unaware, means that Americans don't need a government permission slip to own, keep and bear arms. It applies the Second...
3 things every concealed carrier should have carry

3 Things Every Concealed Carrier Should Carry With Them

This post is aimed at people who haven't yet committed to daily concealed carry. The fence-sitters out there who are deciding whether to take the concealed carry plunge. If you already carry a gun on a...
gun store guns

Buying Your First Concealed Carry Gun…Made Easy

We know, it's not easy out there. We're living in a Golden Age of carry handguns. An aspiring gun carrier has to choose from dozens of options; a bewildering selection of brands, calibers, barrel lengths, and actions. Most...
Ruger LCP .380 Holsters

Ruger LCP .380 Holsters: How To Carry A Pint Size Pistol

Picking from the field of Ruger LCP holsters is the next step after committing to a pint-size concealed carry gun like the little .380 ACP pistol. Which type of Ruger LCP holsters are going...

10 Self-Defense Lessons From Illinois’ Version of the George Zimmerman Trial

Thankfully, jury trials in legitimate self-defense cases don't happen very often. Unfortunately, we just had one of those cases here in America's heartland with the Illinois murder trial of James Love. The entire affair...
Concealed Carry Things they Don't tell you

3 Things You Won’t Learn in Your Concealed Carry Class

Most states have mandatory training requirements as part of their concealed carry permit process. The quality of that training can vary. Widely. That said, most of it tends to be pretty good and fairly...

Hearing Protection Act and National Reciprocity Status Check

With the election of Donald Trump, the People of the Gun eagerly looked forward to moving the ball forward on gun rights. We had great goals of taking suppressors out from under the National...

Reminder – Even Martin Luther King Had Guns For Self-Defense

Martin Luther King preached non-violence.  Privately, the man knew his limitations, and with that in mind, he owned guns for self-defense.  He even applied for a concealed carry license.  After all, he knew that...
Think Progress Editor Laments Chicago Woman Using Her Gun in Self-Defense

Think Progress Editor Criticizes Chicago Woman Who Defended Herself With a Gun

A little over a week ago, a 25-year-old Chicago woman faced an armed robber at a bus stop.  Robber Laavion Goings, Jr., 19, stuck a gun in the woman's face and told her to...
John Cornyn national reciprocity

Texas Senator John Cornyn Introduces the Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act

In what looks like a direct response to Diane Feinstein's latest attempt to abrogate Second Amendment rights with her push for another "assault weapons" ban, Texas Senator John Cornyn and a gaggle of Republican...
The Best Pants for Concealed Carry

The Best Pants for Concealed Carry

As gun owners who carry on a daily basis, lots of us obsess over finding just the right gear. The best gun (caliber, capacity), the ultimate holster (Kydex, leather, hybrid) or the perfect gun...
Mossberg MC1sc 9mm subcompact

BREAKING: Mossberg Announces the New MC1sc Subcompact 9mm Pistol

Mossberg hasn't offered a handgun to the public in almost a century. But with the announcement of their new MC1sc 9mm striker-fired subcompact single stack pistol, the gun maker best known for their ultra-reliable...