3 Reasons It Still Makes Sense to Carry a Revolver

Some thirty years ago the American gun-buying public began to see semi-automatic pistols as reliable firearms. Once semi-autos cleared that hurdle, their superior capacity and quick re-loadability ruled the day. When cops switched to semis, as the Brits...

Getting Started: The Smart Woman’s Guide to Concealed Carry

I'm going to be frank. Between all the handgun options, determining the best way to carry, finding the time (and money) to take concealed carry permit courses and the sheer anxiety of becoming a...
concealed carry reciprocity

Attention All Law-Abiding Gun Owners: National Concealed Carry Reciprocity Is In Jeopardy

By Roger J. Katz Concealed handgun carry reciprocity is about to die. It's about to die through deliberate inaction or the callous indifference of the U.S. Senate. But we have a small window of opportunity: 21 days...

My Custom-Built Modified M7 Cross Draw Carry Rig

I know a lot of TTAG folks aren’t fans of cross draw carry systems. I am, though, and that’s the only way I carry and practice, other than in training programs which require OWB...

Today’s Best 9mm Self-Defense Ammo

We are living in an era in which 9mm is king in terms of popularity and widespread availability. There is a large number of reasons for the success of the cartridge, among them low...

To Find the Right Holster for Exercise, Run With Your Gun

There are more and more companies these days offering ladies’ conceal carry options in forms such as belly bands, shorts with an inner thigh pocket, holsters that hook into a bra front, and so...

Concealed Carry on a Motorcycle Has Its Own Particular Challenges

  Carrying on a motorcycle isn't easy. The biggest challenge is that if you always ride in full gear (ATGATT) and your gear is properly fitted, your jacket will be too tight and close to...

Genius: AIWB Holster Hack from Melody Lauer

This holster hack from Melody Lauer is a favorite of mine and a must-share. If you carry AIWB, give it a try. Give the Keepers' Errand holster a look, too. Spencer Keepers is The...

Landmark Study Finds Concealed Carry Does NOT Increase Violent Crime

On October 22, Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership (DRGO) presented new concealed carry-related research undertaken by Dr. Mark Hamill to the Congress of the American College of Surgeons. The key takeaway from this research is that...

Deal Alert: Discounts on Smith & Wesson Concealed Carry Guns

A number of ultra-reliable and deservedly popular S&W carry pistols are generously discounted at the moment, which is uncommon. We highly recommend all of these for personal defense and have linked to our reviews...
The Three Best GLOCK 43 Holsters for Concealed Carry

The Three Best GLOCK 43 Holsters for Concealed Carry

If you read our pocket dump posts, you've seen a lot of people carry GLOCK 43 pistols. Their small size, slim single stack profile, and light weight make them an excellent choice for the...
Concealed Carry Clearing Cover Garment

Clearing Your Cover Garment: Concealed Carry For Beginners

If you're going to carry a concealed firearm, it's necessary to practice the defensive use of a handgun. Simply punching holes in the 10 ring at the range isn't enough; you need to work on...