Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day: EDFX

A good light, a functional blade and a reliable gun. It's hard to do much better than that. See everything that EDFX carries at Everyday Carry . . .

Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day: Reuben G.

Smith's M&P9C and the under-appreciated Kershaw Chill are great building blocks for an affordable, effective EDC compliment. See what else Reuben is carrying at Everyday Carry . . .

New Video Shows Man Shooting Towards Counter-Protesters During Charlottesville Protest

Over the last couple weeks multiple pro-gun blogs have pointed out that despite the violence that occurred during the Charlottesville protests, no one on either side who was carrying a gun fired any shots....

NRA Carry Guard Concealed Carry Fashion Show: Where Are the Babes?

Props to the NRA Carry Guard fashion show's organizers. They used "real people" to model concealed carry holsters and clothing for their first runway extravaganza. Real people embody and project the NRA's core message:...

District of Columbia Files for En Banc Hearing of ‘May Issue’ Licensing Ruling

Right up there with the sun coming up in the east and Shannon Watts cashing her weekly check from Daddy Bloombucks, one sure thing you could safely bet the the farm on was the...

Bringing Black Youth Into the Mainstream Gun Culture

For years, I have been writing that the black community is a natural place to recruit Second Amendment activists. The people in urban communities are some of the most in need of using their...

The Legacy of New York’s Sullivan Laws

You may not know what so-called Sullivan laws are, but you've probably already dealt with one at some point. Sullivan laws, as they're known, were the laws that largely created firearm permitting systems that...

Walmart Sells Concealed Carry Clothing

WalMart is now selling a jacket specifically designed for concealed carry. While clothing designed for concealed carry has been available commercially for decades, WalMart's move into the CCW clothing market indicates the ongoing "mainstreaming"...

“Top” Five States That Disrespect Non-Residents’ Gun Rights: A Traveler’s Guide

Previously, we looked at the honor roll of states that fully protect the rights of travelers to keep and bear arms. Now let's talk about the other end of the spectrum: the five states...

It Should Have Been a Defensive Gun Use: Swiss Chainsaw Edition

On Monday, a man walked into the office of an insurance firm in the Swiss city of Schaffhausen and began attacking people with a chainsaw. He wounded at least five people and sparked a massive...

BREAKING: District of Columbia’s ‘May Issue’ Carry Law Struck Down

A three-judge panel of theĀ U.S. Court of the Appeals for the D.C. Circuit has just issued a permanent injunction against the District's "may issue" firearms licensing scheme, holding that the Second Amendment's "core lawful...

Arizona Department of Transportation Adds Armed Driver Guidelines

The Arizona Department of Transportation doesn't go that far, but it's added a section to its drivers' manual on the proper behavior for an armed driver stopped by police. From azdot.gov , page 57...