7 Things I Wish I’d Known About Concealed Carry

Eric Hung writes: What piqued your interest in getting your permit to concealed carry? Are you freaking out about riots springing up and want to have a fighting chance to defend yourself? Or are you traveling for...

Kimber Gun Rights Bulletin: Wisconsin CCW Permits Reach New Heights in 2016

Wisconsin reached over 300,000 active concealed carry weapon permits in 2016. The number of permits issued reached 300,000 by the end of March, but the number of active permits is a bit behind the...

National Park Service: Discharging Firearms for Self Defense is Illegal

The National Park Service is giving bad legal advice to people who visit their web page and to find out about firearms policy at various national parks. For Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming, they...

TFF: A Visit To The Miller Tactical Group Booth

Miller Tactical Group makes vacuum-formed kydex holsters in the Austin, Texas area and had a nice presence at the Texas Firearms Festival. The finish level and quality of their holsters appeared to be very...

Kimber Gun Rights Bulletin: Where Gun Permits are Alternatives to NICS

In the (first) Clinton era 1993 Brady bill, exemptions for background checks were provided for people who had undergone a check for state gun permits. Not all states meet the federal requirements for those exemptions....

Kimber Gun Rights Bulletin: 2A Supporting West Virginia AG Gains Maximum Reciprocity

West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey has done a remarkable job of expanding reciprocity with other states for West Virginia's concealed carry permits. And the West Virgina Citizen's Defense League has noted his efforts. From...

With Intro of Ruger’s LCP II, Has the LCP Custom Been Discontinued?

TTAG commenter TruthTellers messaged me on YouTube and commented on the Ruger LCP II press release post, sharing concerns expressed by many that the introduction of the LCP II would mean the LCP Custom is going...

Kimber Gun Rights Bulletin: AzCDL Annual Meeting is a Full House

I attended the Arizona Citizens Defense League annual meeting in Phoenix on Saturday, 8 October, 2016.  It was a 170 mile drive, one way, from Yuma. You can gauge the popularity of he event by...

Reader: Rahami Capture Puts the Lie to “Good Guy With a Gun” Scenarios

Reader 2ASux writes: It appears the recent shooting of the New Jersey bombing suspect put the lie to the notion of a good guy with a gun stopping an armed terrorist. One of the favorite pastimes...

Video of Crossroads Mall Stabbings Reveals Attacks, Armed Response

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCq7VwIj5TU Surveillance video of the Crossroads Mall stabbing attack and the successful response by Jason Falconer, the firearms instructor and part time police officer, has revealed many previously unknown details of the event. They show...

DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: Do You Carry When You Work Out?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SF0E-2nbiyw Packing while working out isn't easy. Depending how you choose to work up a sweat (it's easier while riding a bike than, say, during a crossfit session, never mind swimming), carrying even a pocket pistol...

Thinking Ahead: International Reciprocity for Concealed Carry Permits

When a firearms owner in the United States leaves the country, he loses the protection of the Second Amendment.  This does not mean he loses the right to self defense. It's a historically recent development...