Kansas State Capitol Topeka

Anti-Gun Kansas Lawmakers Pushing Restrictive Legislation

Most of the states throughout mid-America’s heartland tend to lean far toward the pro-gun side of the Second Amendment debate. But that doesn’t stop the anti-gun minority in those states for pushing ill-conceived schemes...

South Carolina Becomes 29th State to Pass Permitless Carry

South Carolina has officially joined the ranks of states championing Second Amendment rights by allowing permitless carry of handguns. Governor Henry McMaster's signature has marked a significant advancement in gun rights, making South Carolina...
2nd amendment is my gun permit constitutional carry

Louisiana Constitutional Carry Bill To Be Heard In House Committee Today

Today is the day that the Louisiana House Administration of Criminal Justice Committee will debate the constitutional, or “permitless,” carry measure being considered in the state legislature. The measure, Senate Bill 1, was passed by...

Constitutional Carry Clears First Legislative Hurdle In Louisiana

A measure that would add Louisiana to the long lists of Constitutional, or “permitless,” carry states has passed its first hurdle in the state legislature. Senate Bill 1, authored by Republican state Sen. Blake Miguez,...

Self-Defense Behind Anti-Gun Enemy Lines

Personally, I hate giving my business to places that ban guns. Whether it's an individual store or a whole country, I'd rather my shopping or tourism money go somewhere that respects my rights. But,...
Open carry revolver holster

Ohio: Gun Crimes Drop Following Passage of Permitless Carry

A new study conducted by the Center for Justice Research in partnership with Bowling Green State University found contrary to concerns by left-leaning politicians that gun crime has indeed gone down—not up—in six of...
Concealed carry gun pistol

Constitutional Carry: Can We Reach 30 States In 2024?

As we enter 2024, it’s interesting to note that more than half of the states in the union now have a “permitless” or  constitutional carry law on the books. Yes, you read that right:...
Concealed Carry

Do I Need a Permit in a State with Constitutional Carry?

We can already feel the hackles going up on the backs of many of our readers as they read that headline with the resounding "Oh, hell no!" sounding off louder than last night's cheers...

Hoplophobes’ Hopes Crushed: Homicides Down in Florida Now That Permitless Carry is Law

Florida's permitless carry law has been in effect for almost six months now. It's too early for statewide data, but I looked up a couple of cities that report their data regularly. At this...
woman purse off-body gun carry

Lott: With More Guns and More People Carrying, the Odds Are Someone Near You...

Overall, said, there are 21.8 million permits issued. That’s a decrease of 0.5% from last year. But that’s not bad news for proponents of the Second Amendment and concealed carry laws. Lott explained that the...
michael cargill

‘Piece of Cake’: Michael Cargill Teaches Armless Man to Shoot, Carry a Gun

Never say can’t…here is your Sunday motivation. I had the opportunity of training this young man this weekend in the rain. #PewPew #2A pic.twitter.com/cayKTog6Ew — Michael Cargill (@michaeldcargill) November 12, 2023 https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js A Texas man is licensed...

Cornhuskers Rejoice: Nebraska Constitutional Carry Begins Today

“It doesn’t matter whether we have a permit process or not, those folks who are going to violate the law are going to violate the law and that’s really the way it is,” said Lancaster...