Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards Vetoes Constitutional Carry Bill
No one expected Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards to sign the constitutional carry bill that's been sitting on his desk. But people who watch these things in the Sportsman's Paradise know that Edwards wants...
Abbott Signs: Texas Becomes the 21st and Biggest Constitutional Carry State
Everyone was wondering what was taking Texas Governor Greg Abbott so long. The legislature passed a constitutional carry bill he said he'd sign a couple of weeks ago. It would have become law on...
Louisiana Legislature Passes Constitutional Carry Bill
The Louisiana legislature has sent a bill to Governor John Bel Edwards that would add the Sportsman's Paradise to the ever-growing list of constitutional carry states. The bill would allow anyone to carry a...
GOA: Texas Constitutional Carry Will End 150 Years of Gun Control Tyranny
From Gun Owners of America . . .
Gun Owners of America (GOA) released the following statement after the Texas Senate followed the lead of the Texas House and voted to accept the Legislative Conference...
BREAKING: Texas Legislature Passes Constitutional Carry, Bill Now Goes to Gov. Greg Abbott
It wan't a smooth process and -- no matter what he says publicly -- Lt. Governor Dan Patrick had to be brought along kicking and screaming. But after the reconstituted version of HB 1927...
BREAKING: Texas Legislature Conference Committee Reaches Agreement on Constitutional Carry Bill
When the Texas Senate attached a variety of non-germane amendments to the constitutional carry bill it passed earlier this month, prospects for final passage became...complicated. But both the House and Senate appointed slates of...
Alabama Sheriff’s Dept. Captain Fired for Supporting Constitutional Carry
Can you be fired for expressing political views that don't align with those of your boss? Increasingly, it seems, you can but more of these cases are winding up in the courts. Given what...
Does a Graduated Step Toward Constitutional Carry Make Sense for Some States?
We the People of the Gun have debated constitutional carry vs. shall-issue for quite some time. The shall-issue debate breaks along the dividing line of a perfunctory NICS check vs. training/testing/qualification requirements. The debate...
Constitutional Carry in Texas Shouldn’t Be Necessary…But We Live in the Real World
By Anner
Constitutional carry is very much in the news. Four states have adopted it so far in 2021 and Texas and Louisiana are currently moving constitutional carry bills through the legislative process.
It's sad really....
Even in a Constitutional Carry State, a Concealed Carry Permit is Still a Very...
Last night's passage of a constitutional carry bill by the Texas Senate has Texans all aflutter. There's still much to be done before it becomes law and we're hearing that the bill's fate is...
Williamson: Texas Constitutional Carry is a Solution in Search of a Problem
Unlike some of my legal-minded friends and colleagues, I think the doctrine of “incorporation” — applying federal constitutional restrictions to the states — is a little bit sketchy. The First Amendment says, “Congress shall...
Texas Senate Passes Constitutional Carry Bill, But There’s More Work to be Done
The Texas Senate has passed HB 1927 a permitless carry bill that was passed overwhelmingly by the House and Governor Greg Abbott has promised to sign into law. The bill needed the votes of...