National Reciprocity and the NRA: The Battle Begins!

President Trump is due to address the National Rifle Association convention this weekend. There's no doubt that he'll get a standing ovation for, well, lots of things. But especially his support for national concealed...

With Friends Like These – NC Constitutional Carry Bills ‘Completely Irresponsible’

James W. Currin, of Wilmington, North Carolina is a staunch supporter of both the NRA and the Second Amendment. Just ask him. Or you can read his recent letter to the editor, Gun bills...

Texas Constitutional Carry: The Saga Continues!

Rachel Malone of Texas Firearms Freedom writes: Constitutional Carry in Texas is being spun out like an episodic drama. Depending on your news source, you may be hearing that it’s in a victorious ship sailing...

Louisiana Puts Constitutional Carry in Play

Current Louisiana gun law recognizes residents' right to carry a firearm openly, but requires a permit to carry concealed. The second part of that equation could change. From House Bill 68 by Baton Rouge lawmaker, Rep. Barry...

Alabama Senate Passes Constitutional Carry

The Alabama legislature is moving toward passing constitutional carry. The bill, SB 24, has passed the Senate, 26 to 8 on Tuesday. The bill would enforce the Alabama constitutional amendment passed in 2014. Amendment...

BREAKING: Texas Constitutional Carry Heading for the House?

Rachel Malone, founder of Texas Firearms Freedom (and TTAG Gun Hero of the Day), tells us that Open Carry remains stuck in development hell. The Chairman of the Homeland Security and Public Safety Committee has decided not...

Presenting The Honor Roll of States that Protect the Rights of Travellers

The prediction from TTAG's own Second Amendment Coalition member John Boch that Democratic Party intransigence will keep even the slightly watered-down Concealed Carry Reciprocity Bill proposed in the Senate from passage this year is disappointing for many gun owners....

Quote of the Day: South Carolina Cop Criticizes Constitutional Carry

“Guns tend to draw out other guns. will create opportunities for police shootings or for police officers or deputies to get hurt more.” - Greenville, South Carolina Police Chief Ken Miller quoted in Police and...

Big Push for Constitutional Carry in Wisconsin

Wisconsin legislators are mounting a serious push to add Wisconsin to the constitutional carry club. Two weeks ago the Right to Carry Act LRB-2039/1 was announced in the legislature. I have been hearing rumors about such...

National Reciprocity Gets More Ink, But Passage Is Unlikely…For Now

Yahoo News teased a favorable article on national concealed carry reciprocity that ran at Al-Jazeera US. Gun rights activists have sought national reciprocity for some years now. Under President Obama, a sure veto precluded serious...

Is South Carolina the Next Constitutional Carry State?

South Carolina took a step forward toward reforming its gun laws on Wednesday. The House of Representatives approved Bill H. 3930, legalizing the carrying of an open or concealed firearm by law-abiding gun owners without a license. South...

Nebraska Introduces Constitutional Carry Bill

Nebraska has a constitutional carry bill in play, styled Legislative Bill 502 (pdf). The bill was introduced by Senator Tom Brewer (above), and was heard in committee last week, but don't look for movement any time...