FBI Massively Understates Shooting Statistics: Analysis Show Armed Americans Stop About Half of Active...

The Federal Bureau of Investigation continues to tarnish its own reputation by vastly downplaying -- by a factor of more than 10 -- the number of incidents in which armed Americans stop spree killers....

CDC Data Shows Constitutional Carry States Have Fewer Total and Gun-Related Homicides

In September of 2021, Texas became the twenty-first state to allow some form of permitless or “constitutional” carry. That means in Texas, if you are at least 21 years old and you are not...
Austin unity march

Black Rights Group’s Armed 2A ‘Unity Walk’ in Austin Demands Reparations, Attacks Illegal Immigration,...

VIDEO THREAD: Today activists with @EGPGunClub held an armed, Black "Second Amendment Unity Walk" in Austin, Texas, where they also had demands including reparations for descendants of enslaved people and a hate crime bill...

Hurricane Ian’s Approach Demonstrates the Need for National Constitutional Carry

By Lee Williams Today’s criminals look at hurricane evacuees about the same way Caribbean pirates salivated over fat Spanish merchant ships heavily laden with gold. At the very least, hurricane evacuees have a car full of...
2nd amendment is my gun permit constitutional carry

Constitutional Carry Should be the Rule, Not the Exception

Constitutional and permitless carry are divisive topics among not only the general population, but gun owners as well. Some feel that if we allow anyone to carry a gun without a permit, the nation...
Larry Krasner

Philadelphia’s Soros-Backed Prosecutor Makes a Strong Argument for Constitutional Carry

  In a recent article at the New York Times, the pearl-clutching over rising civilian gun ownership in Philadelphia went unexpectedly off the anti-gun rails when they talked to the city's infamous prosecutor, Larry Krasner. Krasner...

The Greenwood Mall Shooting Should End Claims of the Danger of Permitless Concealed Carry

During the recent attempted mass shooting at the Greenwood Park Mall in Indiana, a 22-year old man who was lawfully carrying a pistol stopped the killing. For this heroic action, he's been called "good...
Philando Castile traffic stop shooting

Massad Ayoob On the Philando Castile Shooting and What To Do If You’re Stopped...

In a recent video, Wilson Combat hosted Massad Ayoob, who provided advice based on the tragic death of Philando Castile. For those unfamiliar, a police officer shot and killed Castile while he was lawfully...
2nd amendment is my gun permit constitutional carry

Coordination: The Anti-Gun Left Goes After Permitless Open Carry

What a weekend I have had from right wing trolls. Why? Because I correctly stated there is no such thing as Constitutional Carry. It is a made-up marketing term designed to avoid saying permitless...
Kyle Rittenhouse Kenosha trial shooting

Self-Defense and the Law: How Well Can You Articulate?

Armed self-defense is legal everywhere in America. Even in New York. Even if you’re black, Latino, gay, transgendered, Muslim or maybe all of the above simultaneously. But no matter where it happens, the color of...

Rep. David Smith: Open Carry in Florida Would Spook the Foreign Tourists

Open carry is publicly wearing a sidearm wherever you want in the state. ... And there are some states that have it. I don't believe open carry is right for Florida. Why? Because those...

He Chose Poorly: Gun-Control Supporting Alabama Sheriff May Regret Asking to Debate Permitless Carry

Not everyone is taking the trend of states adopting permitless concealed carry well. An Alabama sheriff says the Yellowhammer State's new permitless carry law “will impact us all in a very negative way.” And...