Contest Entry: Get Them To The Range!

By James M. One of the biggest issues facing gun owners today is building support amongst those neutral on (or at least not ardently clamoring for more) gun control. They are the ones we need...

TTAG Contest: Finish This Sentence for a Free CMC AR-15/10 Trigger

Bernie Sanders finds his #BlackLivesMatter message reports. Here's the money shot: "When I mention a few names, like Sandra Bland or Michael Brown or Rekia Boyd or Eric Garner or Walter Scott or...

Contest Entry: We’re In A PR Fight…We Need to Act Like It

By Travis Pike The gun culture is a snake eating it’s own tail. Not every member of the gun culture mind you, but a loud minority that makes us all look bad. The fact of...

Contest Entry: What We Can Learn From New York City

By Matthew Howe New York City gets a bad rap from a lot of folk in the gun-rights community. Not just in terms of their gun control policies, -- which are as bad as anyone...

Contest Entry: 5 Things to Look For in a Firearms Instructor

By Travis Pike As a student paying for a service, you have a right to expect your firearms trainer to provide a few things. Yes, they should provide you with quality training, but since we...

Everytown for Gun Safety Launches #whateverittakes Hashtag Campaign. So Does TTAG!

Michael Bloomberg's anti-ballistic bully boys are at it again. Unable to assemble more than a few dozen supporters in the real world, they continue to rely on their bloody shirt-waving social media anti-gun jihad to maintain the illusion that they're...

Finally, Here Are Our Summer Content Contest Winners

Sheesh! It's never easy culling through the tidal wave of worthy entries we receive in our content contests. As you may be aware, we have a uniquely talented group of readers who always put...

Concealed Nation Celebrates and You’re the Winner

Well you could be. To commemorate hitting 500,000 Facebook likes, they're giving away a passel of gear including guns, holsters, belts and ammo? Pretty much everything a gun guy or girl needs. Want in...

Win a GLOCK 42!

Nearly two years ago… and less than a year into Concealed Nation, I somehow convinced GLOCK to send me the G42 before it was officially announced. In the end, I got to showcase a great pistol...

Barbecue Gun Contest – The Best of the Rest

When we announced the winner of our barbecue gun contest, a few commenters bitched about our posting the rest of the pics on our Facebook page. Let's be clear - no one takes a...

Inheriting JR’s Gun

By Steve Wilson We like to describe our guns as tools, implements to complete a job. This is true at face value. However for many of us, shooting runs in the family whether it be...

Match Director: Competition Makes You a Better Shooter [Contest Entry]

By RenagadeDave Practical pistol shooting is lauded by many as the ultimate in preparing for self-defense, while dismissed by others as potentially getting you killed in the streets. Regardless, the simulated stress of performing in front...