Carrying a Gun and Being a Fireman – Two Sides of the Same Coin...

By Jonathan Tracy I became a firefighter because of the tragic events on September 11th, 2001. It's a trope, I know, but that was the day I decided I would never be a victim. I was...

Gun Control – The Other Side of the Coin [Contest Entry]

By Travis Pike We often talk about firearms and gun control as a rights issue. We do this for good reason, the right to keep and bear arms in an American right enshrined in our...

Our Spring Content Contest Winners Are…

As always, our readership showered us with an embarrassment of riches in pursuit of a free gun. With a REX zero 1 on the line as first prize - not to mention stuffed NSSF...

Show Us Your Favorite Round Contest

You still have til the end of the month to send your entry in our Show Us Your Favorite Round Contest (details here). Get a move on!        

Show Us Your Favorite Round Wrap-Up

  Here are the last of the Show Us Your Favorite Round entries that made it in under the deadline wire. Enjoy. We'll be naming the winners on Monday. Don't touch that dial.          

Black Arch Holsters Weekend Photo Caption Contest

Omer Baker took last week's prize. If you'd like Black Arch holster for your ECD gun, enter the best caption for this photo by midnight Sunday and the rig will be yours.

Black Arch Holsters Weekend Photo Caption Contest

Last week's winner was jwm. He'll be picking out a brand new Black Arch holster for his carry gun. If you'd like one too, enter the best caption for this photo in the comments...

Black Arch Holsters Weekend Photo Caption Contest

Matt in SC won last week's contest. You can win this week's by entering the best caption for this photo in the comments by Sunday at midnight. Have at it.

Black Arch Holsters Weekend Photo Caption Contest

Last week's champ was AaronW. This week, it could be you. Enter the best caption for this photo by Sunday midnight and you'll win a new Black Arch Holsters rig for your gun.

Weekend Photo Caption Contest – Win a SOG Key-Knife

AaronW won last week's prize. If you'd like to win a Key-Knife courtesy SOG Knives, enter the best caption for this photo in the comments by midnight Sunday. Good luck.

Contest: Guess The Ammo Weight, Win An Aero Precision Complete Upper

In two days' time my move from Washington to Texas begins. After organizing most of my ammo into boxes on the floor, I began to wonder how much it all weighed. What do you...

Ammo Weight Contest Winners Announced

Howdy y'all. I'm now a Texan. As our house won't be move-in ready for a couple of weeks, one of the first things I did upon arriving was load precisely 547 lbs of ammunition...