impressment dead horse

The Anti-Gun Left’s Dead Horse

By Amfivena A 'Dead Horse' is nautical slang for debt that followed a sailor when he signed on as a crew-member of a ship. Maritime labor recruiters, called crimps, would deliver seamen to ships. Any...

Contest Entry: I Refuse to Live In a Life-Free Zone

By Rokurota Less than a month ago, a malicious human being walked into a church in Charleston, South Carolina, and murdered nine people. The confessed killer said he committed the heinous act of gunning down...

TTAG’s Summer Content Contest Rolls On

Have you noticed the post titles indicating contest entries? We can't get anything past you, can we? We're getting lots of entries for our summer content contest that runs through the end of July...

Contest Entry: Training Tip – Take Advantage of Defensive Gun Use Videos

44 By Michael in GA I watched the video of Pinch, West Virginia pharmacist Don Radcliff who successfully thwarted an armed robbery. I watch a lot of defensive shooting videos for more than entertainment value. I agree...

Contest Entry: History In My Hands

By Brian Mead The atmosphere is hectic. People, hundreds if not thousands of them, are milling around the giant expo center, a place that could more accurately be described as a humongous warehouse differently preoccupied....

Contest Entry: The Thunderstick

By Anonymous Ben Takes the Gun was a 95-year old, full-blooded Oglala Lakota that lived on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. He had a penchant for wearing cowboy hats and shirts, and wore...

Content Contest: Anatomy of a SWATting

By Tile Floor I'll never forget the night my SWATting cherry was popped. I was sitting in my Dodge Charger police car, lamenting the circumstances in my life that culminated in me being a police officer...

Show Us Your Barbecue Gun and Win a Minutemen Cabinet Handgun Cabinet!

Sure, smoked meat connoisseurs fire up the pit all summer long, but everyone knows the best time to plop the babybacks on the grate and start tossing the oak in the firebox is the...

Here’s the Winner of our Barbecue Gun Contest

We received pics of a lot of beautiful firearms. You can check them out for your self here and here. And while not everyone shared the same idea of what constitutes a barbecue gun,...

Contest: Win A Custom 2A Holster for Best Bullet Art

Little Rock's Drawl Art Gallery is running a juried art show entitled The Gun Show. "Artists, writers and scholars answer the question, 'What does the visual presence of guns suggest to you?'" First prize is...

Announcing TTAG’s Spring Content Contest

Yes, it's that time of year again. Buds are blooming, grass is growing and guns are being given away. Well, one gun, anyway. RF just made it back from the NSSF Shooting Sports Fantasy...