Black Arch Holsters Weekend Photo Caption Contest

Last week's winner: James69. If you'd like a brand spanking new Black Arch holster for your gun, enter the best caption for this photo by Sunday midnight. Go.

Our Show Us Your Favorite Round Contest Winners

As always, thanks to everyone who entered our Show Us Your Favorite Round contest. There were many varied and inspiring entries, but in the end, someone had to put his foot down and choose...

Black Arch Holsters Weekend Photo Caption Contest

Omer Baker took last week's prize. If you'd like Black Arch holster for your ECD gun, enter the best caption for this photo by midnight Sunday and the rig will be yours.

Gun Review: CZ 75 SP-01 Shadow Target Custom

(This is a reader-submitted review as part of our gun review contest. See details here.) By David Blanton If you’re the type of person whose eyes instinctively dart for the nearest target every time you hear...

Show Us Your Favorite Round Wrap-Up

  Here are the last of the Show Us Your Favorite Round entries that made it in under the deadline wire. Enjoy. We'll be naming the winners on Monday. Don't touch that dial.          

Black Arch Holsters Weekend Photo Caption Contest

TheOtherDavid took last week's prize. If you'd like a new Black Arch holster, enter the best caption for this photo in the comments by midnight Sunday. Good luck.

Black Arch Holster Weekend Photo Caption Contest

The Other Tom in Oregon took last week's prize. If you'd like a quality Black Arch Holster for your EDC gun, enter the best caption for this photo by Sunday at midnight.

Show Us Your Favorite Round Contest

You still have til the end of the month to send your entry in our Show Us Your Favorite Round Contest (details here). Get a move on!        

Show Us Your Favorite Round Contest

Have you sent yours yet? If not, click here for the details.          

Show Us Your Favorite Round: Contest

TTAG's running our Show Us Your Favorite Round Contest with all kinds of prizes for you aspiring photogs out there. All you have to do is shoot your favorite round (with a camera) along...

Black Arch Holster Weekend Photo Caption Contest

Last week's winner was NYC2AZ. He'll soon be packing his favorite handgun in a new Black Arch holster. If you want on, enter a caption for this photo in the comments before Sunday midnight...

TTAG Contest: Show Us Your Favorite Round

We all have our fave. That one round we shoot from the gun we love that combines everything; ballistics, stopping power, penetration, recoil management. That's mine above -- Hornady Critical Defense .38 Spl. and my 642...