Black Arch Holsters Weekend Photo Caption Contest

Last week's winner of a Black Arch rig for his favorite carry piece was CarlWinslo. If you want one, too, put your thinking cap on and enter a caption for this photo in the...

Black Arch Holsters Weekend Photo Caption Contest

Commenter dh34 took last week's prize of a new Black Arch holster. If you'd like one, get creative and enter the best caption for this photo in the comments by midnight Sunday. Good luck!  

Black Arch Weekend Photo Caption Contest

Alex Waits was the winner of our contest last week. This week, you could snag a free holster from Black Arch if you enter the best caption for this photo in the comments by...

Black Arch Holsters Weekend Photo Caption Contest

Pieslapper took last week's prize of a Black Arch holster. The good news: you have another chance this week. Enter the best caption for this photo in the comments by Sunday at midnight and...

Our Spring Content Contest Winners Are…

As always, our readership showered us with an embarrassment of riches in pursuit of a free gun. With a REX zero 1 on the line as first prize - not to mention stuffed NSSF...

Black Arch Holsters Weekend Photo Caption Contest – Win a Holster!

Last weekend's photo caption contest was won by jwm. That means he'll soon be toting his heater in a brand new Black Arch holster. You want one, too? Enter the best caption for this...

Accurate Pistol Shooting – “The Theory” [Contest Entry]

By Ron Geppert Shooting a pistol accurately is a mind game. Just to emphasize that sight alignment is more important than holding the pistol extremely steady on the bullseye, the following facts may help explain why...

Gun Control – The Other Side of the Coin [Contest Entry]

By Travis Pike We often talk about firearms and gun control as a rights issue. We do this for good reason, the right to keep and bear arms in an American right enshrined in our...

Learning by Reverse Engineering or Why You Can’t Stop the Signal [Contest Entry]

By Joel Thompson As a mechanical engineering student, I have a serious interest in firearms design, and I’ve been wanting to develop my CAD-modeling skills for a while now. So, I thought I’d kill two...

Countering the Anti-Gun Long Game [Contest Entry]

By Chris H. I knew this feeling. The rush of blood, the tingle of adrenaline surge and the clenching of my jaw. I was headed for a fight, though not a physical altercation; an argument....

Gear Review: TruGlo TFX Pro Tritium/Fiber-Optic Day/Night Sights [Contest Entry]

By MikeyCNY With most defensive gun uses taking place at night, it's important to train appropriately and have the necessary gear to help you survive. Flashlights are likely the most common tool in this instance,...

Carrying a Gun and Being a Fireman – Two Sides of the Same Coin...

By Jonathan Tracy I became a firefighter because of the tragic events on September 11th, 2001. It's a trope, I know, but that was the day I decided I would never be a victim. I was...