Black Arch Holsters Weekend Photo Caption Contest

Timmer took the prize last weekend and he'll be toting his favorite shootin' iron in a comfy new Black Arch holster. If you'd like one too, just enter the best option for the above...

Zero to Eight Guns In Eight Months [Contest Entry]

By Mark M. I became a gun nut in August of 2015 when a string of armed burglaries started in an adjoining development. I went from zero to eight guns in less than eight months At...

It’s (Always) Hammer Time [Contest Entry]

By Jeremy S. (not ours): I know, striker-fired is the future (like gender-less bathrooms and free college), and hammer-fired guns like my personal favorite, the Beretta 92, are relics of an ancient past. It is...

Concealed Carry – Because You Can’t Control When Crazy Will Happen [Contest Entry]

By Mitch from DFW My wife and I both grew up in Canada. As such, we always had a strange curiosity with America's embrace of firearms. Canadians are inculcated by our school system from an...

Match Director: Competition Makes You a Better Shooter [Contest Entry]

By RenagadeDave Practical pistol shooting is lauded by many as the ultimate in preparing for self-defense, while dismissed by others as potentially getting you killed in the streets. Regardless, the simulated stress of performing in front...

Black Arch Holsters Weekend Photo Caption Contest

LNJK took the prize in the first Black Arch Weekend Photo Caption Contest last week. Enter the best caption for this photo in the comments by midnight Sunday this week and you too will...

Gear Review: LaserMax Spartan Laser for Pistols [Content Contest]

By Alan Mitchell In the 30 plus years since the Governator demanded a “forty-five long slide vith lahsah sighting,” the cost, quality and demand for laser sighting systems has changed dramatically for the better. Ahhnolds prop...

Inheriting JR’s Gun

By Steve Wilson We like to describe our guns as tools, implements to complete a job. This is true at face value. However for many of us, shooting runs in the family whether it be...

Shooting Tip: Your Rear Sight Matters, Too [Content Contest]

19 By RenegadeDave The goal of pretty much any practical application of a handgun is to be fast and accurate.  Engaging multiple targets accurately can slow anyone down and your .20 splits don't look so cool...

Black Arch Holsters Weekend Photo Caption Contest

Enter the best caption for this photo in the comments by midnight Sunday and you'll win a Black Arch Protos or Ace-1 Gen 2 holster. What are you waiting for?

Inside the Twisted Mind of a Gun Grabber: Facebook Edition [Content Contest]

By ninjaTED One of the biggest benefits I’ve taken from my TTAG readership has been my improved philosophical understanding of the right to bear arms. I’ve always believed in the Second Amendment, but on a...

Gunning with Philosophers: An ‘Age of Violence?’ [Contest Entry]

By Brandon R. Occasionally, you have to come up for a bit of philosophical air in the gun debate. The “conversation” over gun rights is so consistently down in the weeds of statistics, hyperbole, and...