No Funds, No Fun? No Way! Mod The Guns You Have to Scratch That...

By Clint Weisgerber We’ve all been there. Maybe you’ve been socking away a few bucks every week for a new toy and suddenly the unforseen happens. The wife gets fired. Your kid needs new hockey...

Lining Up the Sights [Contest Entry]

By Mr. B. He stole into the shop one night. He crept and sleuthed, his footfalls light, As I adjusted the rear sight Of my Glock 17. There was no warning of his entry. (That dog, what a lousy sentry.) No...

EDC Pistol Red Dot: A Response to Leghorn [Content Contest]

By Chris B. As I write this I am seated comfortably in a coffee shop taking a break from the work I should be doing this Sunday afternoon and thinking about my EDC and a...

Is There Any Point to .22LR Any More [Content Contest]

By Bryce Adam Prescott It seems like not long ago a shooter could enter a gun store or Walmart and pick up a bulk pack of .22LR (usually around 500 rounds) for about $20 and...

On The Kind of Weapons the Founders Envisioned [Contest Entry]

By Roger Haynes Of the many arguments put forth by the anti-gun crusaders, such as the original intent of the Second Amendment or the definition of an “assault rifle”, one attack seems to have been...

TTAG Content Contest – There’s Still Time!

Just a reminder that you still have time to get your entries in for our spring content contest. And you'll want to enter because the winner will take home a REX zero 1 pistol. And second...

Statistics and Guns From Behind Enemy Lines [Content Contest]

By Douglas Valerio As Aaron Levenshtein noted, “Statistics are like a bikini. What they reveal is interesting. But what they hide is vital.” As a mechanical engineer by degree, I have taken my fair share...

Gun Review: Purdey 1883 English Sporting 12 ga. Shotgun [Content Contest]

By Gabriel Carter One gun that I'll never sell or give away -- except to my son -- belonged originally to my great great grandfather, Weetman Pearson. It's a Purdey side-by-side in 12 ga., one of...

Announcing TTAG’s Spring Content Contest

Yes, it's that time of year again. Buds are blooming, grass is growing and guns are being given away. Well, one gun, anyway. RF just made it back from the NSSF Shooting Sports Fantasy...

TTAG Contest: Fisk This Anti-Campus Carry Fail for a Box of HPR Ammo

103 I reckon ItsMeHannahM's ditzy speaking style is post-modern ironic. In other words, her over-the-top gesturing and air quotes and all isn't really her. Until she gets bored with it. And then it is. Got it? Bonus points if...

Contest: Win A Custom 2A Holster for Best Bullet Art

Little Rock's Drawl Art Gallery is running a juried art show entitled The Gun Show. "Artists, writers and scholars answer the question, 'What does the visual presence of guns suggest to you?'" First prize is...

TTAG’s Mantel Gun Instagram Contest Has a Winner

Congrats to @kedge14, who submitted the photo above under the tag #mantelgunttag and won our first Instagram contest. For his efforts he'll be receiving the muzzle device of his choice from a long list of...