Buy a Gun: Sage Advice From Chicago 911 Supervisor

In Chicago, at least half the time there are no police officers available to respond to 911 calls for help - not even the highest priority calls like stabbings, domestics, rapes, gunshot victims and...
Hunter biden joe

Hunter Biden’s Federal Gun Crime Trial Begins in Delaware

Hunter Biden arrived at the Delaware courthouse this morning, accompanied by his wife, as his federal gun crime trial gets under way. Jury selection will begin today. The case, historic for being the first...

Florida Sheriff Fires Deputy Who Shot and Killed USAF Airman Roger Fortson

The Okaloosa County Sheriff's Department has a problem on its hands. Several actually. But they severed relations with one of their many problems last Friday by terminating the trigger happy Deputy Eddie Duran after...
Donald Trump and revolver (courtesy

Trump Loses His Gun Rights

With 34 felony convictions being delivered to President Donald J. Trump Thursday afternoon by a New York jury—in what is questionably a rigged trial and unquestionably a politically motivated trial—there remain a number of...

Was It Self-Defense? A Florida Jury Will Decide

Rachael Wilks claims she acted in self-defense when she shot and killed Brian Brown, the father of her unborn twins, inside their Gainesville home on New Year’s Eve 2021. Her attorney, Aaron Kelley, told...

Turks, Caicos Update: Oklahoma Man Pleads Guilty to Ammo Possession

In the ongoing injustice of Americans being imprisoned in the Turks and Caicos Islands for accidental possession of a few rounds ammunition that they could legally own and transport in the United States, an...
California DOJ Assault Weapons Registration

California Lawmakers Advance 3 Bad Gun Measures

With the deadline looming to pass bills out of their respective chambers this legislative session, anti-gun lawmakers in the California House and Senate approved three anti-gun measures that would infringe on the rights of...

Portlanders Dump Soft-On-Crime District Attorney

If recent happenings out in the liberal bastion of western Oregon are any indication, Americans are continuing to become more fed up with soft-on-crime prosecutors allowing crime to run rampant. Last week, voters in Portland...

Course Review: John Murphy / FPF Training’s ‘Street Encounter Skills and Tactics’

Chicago has an armed robbery and carjacking problem. We all know that. “But I don’t live in that urban hellscape known as Chicago, so I don’t have to worry about that so much,” most readers...

Woke Activist Judge in Washington DC Catching Heat For Releasing Would-be Spree Killer Without...

Soft-on-crime politicians, prosecutors and judges claim they're "helping" the community by not locking up violent offenders. In reality, they're victimizing the community by returning feral monsters back onto the streets to they can do...

GUN CONTROL DISARMS VICTIMS, NOT CRIMINALS: Attempted Assassination in Slovakia, Prisoner Break-out in...

Gun control disarms victims, not criminals. Two very high-profile attacks in Europe in the past 24 hours prove that point eloquently, but sadly won't change minds of gun control radicals in America or anywhere...

Happy Mother’s Day, Chicago-Style: 5 Homicides, 26 Wounded

How does Chicago celebrate Mother's Day? Sadly, it's not a joke. In a day set aside to revere mothers nationwide, Chicago's gang bangers and criminal class opt instead to deliver hot lead instead of...