Fruitport Township Soccer Dad Pulls A Gun

0 An armed society is a polite society---until it isn't.

Forgotten Mayo and Mustard Packets Spark Wendy’s Stun Gun Attack

0 (nothing to do with Mr. Bloom) reports that police have arrested two women after one of them ran through a Wendy's threatening employees with a stun gun. A pink stun gun. That looks like...

Accidental Shooting in Bass Pro Shops Rancho Cucamonga

Bass Pro Shops' store in Rancho Cucamonga, California has an upstairs firing range. Not that you'd know it from the website. "The store offers nearly 180,000 square feet of outdoor excitement including the area's...

One Thing You Must Teach Your Children About Guns

You don't need me to tell you what to teach your kids about guns: how they work, what they can do, how to handle them, etc. It's all common sense, standard safety sort of...

Detroit SWAT Team Shoots Seven-Year-Old Aiyana Jones

Don't give me grief about this one. I know: day in, day out, SWAT teams risk their lives in the endless pursuit of public safety. THEY are FAR more likely to be killed by...

Why Are the Detroit Police Charging Antwan Hall With Felony Murder?

Last week, Edward Bell fired his handgun twice. Both bullets missed their target. The second projectile went through the living room wall of a nearby house, where it hit and killed Geraldine Jackson, 69. So...

Time to Close the Gun Range Loophole?

This morning's has a long, comprehensive but not particularly coherent article about felons renting firearms at gun ranges. And other stuff. The bottom line is at the top of the piece: No background...

New York to Make Carrying A Firearm While Intoxicated (CWI) A Crime

Mayor Michael Bloomberg has a major hard-on for gun control. Not satisfied with not closing the gun show loophole or plugging the terrorist gap, the pol wants to create a new crime: carrying while...

UPDATE: Dismissed Open Carry Complainant Charged With Murder

We recently reported that a judge dismissed a lawsuit by one Jesus Gonzalez against three police officers and two municipalities. Jesus Gonzales was pissed because he'd been arrested for openly carrying a firearm into retail stores....

Permit vs. Permit Holder Gun Battle Provides Ammo for Gun Control Advocates

The move towards liberalizing concealed carry permit laws in the U.S. is gathering pace. On April 29th, Governor Chet Culver signed a bill that will change Iowa from "may issue" to "shall issue"; standardizing concealed carry...

Wrong Place, Wrong Time

The UK's Daily Mail tells the tale: "When grandfather Peter Hesford collapsed while working in the garden, his worried family feared he had suffered a stroke. But the reality proved even more alarming. Hospital scans revealed...

Why Gun Control is Besides the Point In Detroit

The Detroit News has a stunning if not entirely coherent report on the criminal state of the state's criminal courts. The problem: heavy case loads leading to light sentences for violent crime leading to...