Why Did the New York Times Report This Story?
I'm currently reading John Lott Jr.'s More Guns, WAY Too Many Statistics. Wait. That's not it. I'm reading the sequel, I'm Right About Guns, The Media's Wrong, So Why Don't They Just Admit It?...
Chicago Gun Buy-Back Program a Total Failure
The Chicago Sun-Times reports that the "Don't Kill a Dream, Save a Life Gun Turn-In" program collected more than 4,000 weapons yesterday. "Police say they gathered 55 assault weapons, 660 replica weapons, more than...
“It is scary to think what blood bath could flow in this country if...
A letter to the editor from Zoher Bharmal, published in the Dallas News.
Rioting over harsh austerity measures in Greece left three people dead. It is disgusting to see people of developed nations indulge in...
Elephant Trampling Triggers Gun Grab
Sometimes not even TTAG can improve on journalistic perfection. Here's an example from the Press Trust of India:
A man was trampled to death by an elephant triggering a clash between villagers and forest guards...
Aaron Titus Opposes “Gun Owners Are Probably Terrorists” Acts
Here's Aaron Titus of The Liberty Coalition opening statement to today's Congressional hearing "Terrorist and guns: the nature of the threat and proposed reforms." The Coalition works with more than 80 organizations from across the political...
Editorial: Pistolization? Pistolize this!
Do you feel pistolized? Canadian sociology professor James Sheptycki created the term “Pistolization” to describe the phenomenon of a society that integrates hand guns into commonplace daily life. It’s a more elegant and pointy-headed way...
Philly Cop Gary Williams Proves Inescapability of Collateral Damage
Gruesome business this. "The fatal shooting of Howard Williams, 22, happened about 6:30 p.m. on a crowded South Philly block," philly.com reports. "where at least 50 people were engaged in 'an all-out water fight'...
Charter Arms to Introduce Son of Son of Sam Bulldog .44
For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about (slaawour to our Kurdish readers), the self-proclaimed Son of Sam serial killer used a Charter Arms Bulldog .44 to murder his victims....
Mexican Police Confiscate Drug Lord Nava Valencia’s Diamond Studded Guns
ABC.au reports that Jalisco police have confiscated "31 gold and silver-plated handguns of varying calibre studded with diamonds and engraved with the name Lobo Valencia." That would probably indicate that this serious lapse in...
Do You Know This Tasered Phillies Fan?
"The fan was 17-year-old male and he will be charged with criminal trespass and related offenses," the Philadelphia Phillies spokesfolk told the AP. "The Phillies did not release his name because he is...
Detroit Free Press: Police Shootings Suck
I know, right? Nobody wants a policeman to get shot in the line of duty. Maybe not even the Hutaree, whose prosecutor pointed at the entirely unrelated murder of Officer Brian Huff in the...
Utah Details Ronnie Lee Gardener’s Firing Squad
Nothing new . But sobering stuff, nonetheless.
Ronnie Lee Gardner will be allowed to have five witnesses at the execution. His last meal will be prepared by cooks at the prison.
Five law enforcement officials chosen...