Judge Frees Hutarees

As TTAG reported previously, the case against the nine members of the Hutaree militia continues to unravel. Given all the glee accompanying their arrest from the left end of the political spectrum---quick to connect...

Jesse Jackson Calls for New Assault Weapons Ban

Just like the old weapons ban. Speaking in Chatanooga, Tennessee, Reverend Jackson deployed recycled rhetoric along the usual theme: black youth as victims of an indifferent, racist society. And evil gun makers. After calling for...

TWHN BS: “Our Borders Are Not Secure”

"Five Hispanic men authorities described as drug smugglers shot a Pinal County sheriff’s deputy Friday afternoon when the officer came upon them and a large amount of marijuana in a remote part of south-central...

The McCullough Saga Continues: The Hero Speaks.

I gotta tell you, I love this stuff. Covering this story is like peeling the layers off an onion. Only with this story, every layer we peel back reveals more detail, and gets us...

TV Crew Plants Gun. Sorry. Finds Gun in Plants


Washington Wizards’ Gilbert Arenas Owes $70k for Unclaimed Guns. Allegedly.

Tactical Operations is a Beverly Hills gun store specializing in modified Remington 700 rifles. The bit of their website that hawks Tac-Ops training is suspiciously vague. "Tac-Ops training is conducted by a diverse group...

How are the members of a firing squad chosen for an execution, like the...

It's a question posited by one Lex Marsh of Englewood, Colorado, re: the forthcoming execution of Ronnie Lee Gardener for two homicide convictions. The answer comes to us via The Associated Press, who've taken...

New York City Declares Victory in War on Illegal Guns

As TTAG has reported, Mayor Michael Bloomberg has made gun control his "signature" issue. As with everything else involving politics timing is. Everything. Although Hizzoner's campaign to "close the gun show loophole" has failed...

Hutaree Prosecution in Danger of De-Evolution

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Apmn9xMxiZ4 Are they not militia men? Don't ask the FBI agent who led the Bureau's investigation into nine Hutaree members charged with plotting to shoot and kill police officers to trigger an armed insurrection. According...

Editorial: Gun Violence Reporting and Point of View(s).

So I'm reading this riveting story about a recent self-defense shooting. Now the facts behind the story are these... A 32-year-old former security guard, Harry McCullough, was in an Omaha, Nebraska Walgreens picking up a prescription...

Close the Colorado Gun Store Loophole?

As TTAG has pointed out previously, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's Mayors Against Illegal Guns is acting like a dunk looking for his car keys under a streetlamp---because the light's better. Their call to...

Calgary Police Chief: Kill Canada’s Long Gun Registry

While the vast majority of Canada's top cops are ranged against moves to kill Canada's Long Gun Registry, Calgary Police Chief Rick Hanson has broke ranks and publicly declared that it's time to "review" the legislation. "The...