Huratee? Hutaree? Hurare?


UK Teen Gets Three Years for Firearms Possession

As far as I can tell from this Daily Mail story, 17-year-old Chloe Goodman doesn't have any history of violence or, indeed, juvenile delinquency. And yet the Manchester Crown Court sentenced Ms. Goodman to...

“It pays to be packing when you’re painting” Huh?

Credit where credit's due. The Commercial Appeal (our second visit of the day) has at least re-written the police blotter for a bit of entertainment value. But there are limits to these things. "It...

Maniac Murders Wife with A Rifle: Hillsborough County Coverup?

Maine's Manchester Union Leader is attempting to hold the Hillsborough County Sheriff Department's feet to the fire for its failure to remove firearms from a man they were ordered to disarm. On October 20,...

UK Police Arrest Flame-Throwing Scooter Man on Firearms Charges

Lincolnshire police have arrested 31-year-old plumber Colin Furze on firearms charges re: his flame-throwing scooter. Not that Furze didn't see this one coming. “It’s a hell of a lot of fun and when I...

Police: Georgia State Sen. Nancy Schaefer’s Death a Murder Suicide

The AP reports that former Georgia State Sen. Nancy Schaefer's husband Bruce shot her in the back and then turned the gun on himself. The attack occurred on Friday at the couple's home in...

IRA Smuggled Armalite Rifles on the QE2 (Ocean Liner)

The Times reports that the IRA smuggled guns and explosive from the U.S. to the U.K. aboard The Queen Elizabeth 2 (QE2) in the early seventies. "Brendan Hughes, one of the provisionals’ first...

What Not to Do in Chula Vista When You Don’t Want to Be Dead

0 "The guns, a Beretta shotgun and a Sig. Sauer 9 mm duty weapon, and ammunition had been locked in the trunk of a 2005 Honda Accord that was reported stolen March 17...

Tanner Gun Show Accident: No Charges Filed

Needless to say, the NRA holds a gun safety class at the annual Tanner Gun Show in Denver, Colorado. Which would have been an excellent way for Joshua Hertzler to spend his time at...

Gilbert Arenas Gets Two-Year Suspended Sentence for Firearms Offense

With a bit of luck we can now put this story to bed. Washington Wizards B-Baller Gilbert Arenas will serve-out his two-year suspended sentence (including 30 days in a halfway house and 400 hours...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Bruce Lavallee-Davidson

Sex can be fun. Guns can be fun (true story). Sex with guns may be fun, for some. And I'm sure there's a website for that somewhere (no YOU Google it). But whether your...

New York Funeral Home Billboard: “Stop the GUNS, DRUGS & VIOLENCE or be our...

I guess the operative word here is "next." 'Cause even if you somehow manage to stop the guns, drugs and violence (a lethal cocktail to be sure), you're still going to end-up dead. I...