Baltimore Banks $1.1m for Gun Violence Reduction Initiative

Earmarks. You gotta love 'em. Well, the Baltimore police does, 'cause there's $1.1 million headed their way as part of The Baltimore City Gun Violence Reduction Initiative. Which was an earmark on H.R. 2847,...

BB Guns In The News: Death and Disorder

1 WLKY reports that an 11-year-old Louisville boy was shot and killed when a 16-year-old relative fired a Daisy PowerLine 880 at his chest at close range. According to this and other accounts, the boys...

Gilbert Arenas Had 500 Guns

Esquire got the 411 on NBA B-baller Gilbert Arenas' gun collection. I had a big gun collection. About four to five hundred guns. The guy I bought it from was in his seventies. He'd...

Cops Seize Video of BB Gun Attack on San Francisco Gays

0 reports that police have arrested three cousins in connection with a BB gun attack on a gay man. Mohammad Habibzada, Shafiq Hashemi and Sayed Bassam were charged with the February 26 assault on...

Shrimp Cocktail Highlights Anti-Gun Program Waste

I swear, I'm not making this shit up. But I am swearing. Because it's been a long time since I've encountered a piece of investigate journalism of this caliber. Do I need to set...

Police Don’t Kill People. Police Guns Kill People

I don't hold cops to any higher standard than I hold my dry cleaner. Shirts gets starched that shouldn't have been starched and police kill people by mistake. It's sad, it sucks, but there...

Massachusetts Gun Court Claims 89% Conviction Rate

That is, ladies and gentlemen, an extremely high conviction rate. For comparison, here's a round-up-ette of some Bay State courts' conviction rates : "An analysis of the statewide Superior Court conviction rate in 2009...

Massachusetts Supreme Court Reaffirms Locked Gun Mandate

Here's another surprise (after Ted Nugent's hunting endorsement): the Massachusetts Supreme Court has ruled that the Second Amendment doesn't obviate the state's right to tell owners how to keep those guns. In other words,...

Good Guns Gone Bad: Home Invasionsology 001

Millions of people own guns for personal defense. Most of them will never face a situation where their firearm is needed. Some will find themselves in mortal peril and use their weapon for home...

Mystery of Pentagon Shooter’s Gun Purchases Deepens

TTAG previously reported that Pentagon shooter John Patrick Bedell may have purchased his two 9mm guns from the Eldorado Rod & Gun Club outside of Sacramento. A new article in The Washington Post casts...

DC Gun Scam Costs Taxpayers $400k—And The Cops Keep the Guns

The Washington Examiner reports that more than 100 Montgomery County cops, prison guards and sheriff deputies received guns for their personal use at a fraction of their cost---thanks to DC taxpayers. They were ballistically...

European Poker Tournament Robbed at Gunpoint, Live!