TTAG Daily Digest: Bump Stock Non-Compliance, Heller Abuse and Frustrating MSNBC
So States Ban Bump Stocks. Now How Do They Enforce the Law?
Bump stock owners tell their legislators to FOAD . . .
Under New Jersey’s new bump-stock ban, which was approved in January, residents were...
TTAG Daily Digest: School’s Still the Safest Place, Tribe’s Toxic Tongue and the Mess...
Relax, Parents — The Safest Place for Your Kids Is Still School
A little dose of reality in a sea of media hysteria . . .
Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)...
TTAG Daily Digest: Concluding It’s Futile, Chris Cuomo’s Confounded and Mulling School Safety
The Futility of Trying to Prevent More School Shootings in America
It's The Atlantic, so gun control has to be part of the discussion. But she's right that anyone who really wants to kill people will...
TTAG Digest – Art’s Rock Bottom, Biden’s Had Enough and a System Designed to...
Houston Police Chief Says He Has ‘Hit Rock Bottom’ on Gun Rights Arguments
Chief Art hasn't changed, and never will . . .
Just hours after 10 people were killed in a school shooting in Santa...
TTAG Daily Digest: CNN’s Apples, a Police Surge and Vox’s Prescription
CNN Re-Ups False 22 School Shootings Stat
Is this the apple or the banana? . . .
The list of school shootings used by CNN and other news outlets, however, wildly exaggerates the number by lumping...
TTAG Daily Digest: Unhappy in Oklahoma, Easy Solutions and Disturbing Images
Oklahoma Constitutional-carry Bill Author Vows to Fight Governor’s Veto
Dahm and Roberts to Fallin: FOAD
Oklahoma State Senator Nathan Dahm (shown, R-Broken Arrow) and Oklahoma State Representative Sean Roberts (R-Hominy) are vowing to fight back against...
TTAG Daily Digest: Kids Do the Darnedest Things, The Dick’s Effect and Father to...
California high schoolers write gun control legislation, will introduce it to local government
It can't possibly any worse than what's been coming out of Sacramento . . .
The resolution raises the minimum age to purchase...
TTAG Daily Digest: Military Glockophilia, The Next Battleground and Debbie Wasserman Schultz is Still...
Why The World’s Militaries Love The Glock
Who can argue with perfection? . . .
In the intervening thirty-five years, the Glock has become the dominant handgun in a crowded field of competitors. Despite stiff competition from countries...
TTAG Daily Digest: No Longer Funny, New Jersey’s Gun Control Czar and Kasich’s Threat
Jim Carrey’s New Blood-Dripping Portrait Takes Aim At ‘National Disgrace’ NRA
We're so old, we remember when he used to be funny . . .
“Someday they’ll say we turned a blind eye to the suffering...
TTAG Daily Digest: The Forgotten Shooting, Red Flags on the March and a Message...
How The Congressional Baseball Shooting Didn't Become The Deadliest Political Assassination In American History
A lot of luck and a couple of Capitol police officers . . .
There’s been a lot of discussion the past...
TTAG Daily Digest: The FBI Supports Armed Citizens, Dick’s Dilemma and Garden State Data
FBI Releases Pro-2nd Amendment Statement, States the Importance of Armed Citizens in America
FBI recognizes the importance of good guys with guns . . .
There were 50 active shooter incidents in 2016 and 2017 combined,...
TTAG Daily Digest – ‘Silence the Guns,’ Paulsen’s Politics and Waning Enthusiasm
‘Silence the guns’ urges UN disarmament chief as global week of action begins
Remind us again, why does the UN still exist? . . .
“Every day, hundreds of lives are lost due to gun violence...