TTAG Daily Digest: Protecting Delicate Sensibilities, Teachers Get Training and Still Not Funny

Alabama lawmaker: We shouldn't arm teachers because most are women - How could dainty, demure wimmin be expected to handle something as scary as a firearm? Alabama lawmakers need to protect "our ladies" and to...

TTAG Daily Digest: More FBI Flim-Flammery, Another Brick in the New Jersey Wall and...

Prosecutors Admit Decade-Long Relationship With Pulse Shooter’s Father Despite Terror Tip - The modern FBI is a critically flawed, startlingly dysfunctional operation . . . Though former FBI Director James Comey painted Omar as a...

TTAG Daily Digest: Senior Pride, Kaiser Wades Into ‘Gun Violence and Strapped Older Texans

Tennessee college student defends her gun-toting 'graduation' photo Why would ABC put scare quotes around "graduation"? Amid a youth-driven gun control debate that has swarmed social media, a college senior in Tennessee is defending the provocative...
lauren and david hogg

TTAG Daily Digest: Hoggs Cashing In, a Die-In In Phoenix and Punching Back in...

Parkland Students Lauren and David Hogg Sign Book Deal Of course they have. And look for an announcement soon about their new MSNBC variety show . . . Lauren and David Hogg, two students who survived...

TTAG Daily Digest: Hijacking the Movement, More Red Flags and Bring Back the Draft

McConaughey fears March for Our Lives will get 'hijacked' Alright, alright, alright . . . A month after speaking at the March for Our Lives in his hometown of Austin, Texas, Matthew McConaughey says he supports...

TTAG Daily Digest: Military Glockophilia, The Next Battleground and Debbie Wasserman Schultz is Still...

Why The World’s Militaries Love The Glock Who can argue with perfection? . . . In the intervening thirty-five years, the Glock has become the dominant handgun in a crowded field of competitors. Despite stiff competition from countries...

TTAG Daily Digest: Concluding It’s Futile, Chris Cuomo’s Confounded and Mulling School Safety

The Futility of Trying to Prevent More School Shootings in America It's The Atlantic, so gun control has to be part of the discussion. But she's right that anyone who really wants to kill people will...

TTAG Daily Digest: Business Acumen, ‘Progress’ in Chicago and Women in the Lead

School shooting video game removed online after backlash Someone not only thought this was a good idea, but bankrolled its development and marketing . . . A Seattle-area company has removed a school shooting video game...
Gunsite Academy Intuit Credit Card processing

De-Platforming Guns, YouTube’s Change of Heart and 21 Savage Brandishes – TTAG Daily...

Credit service shuts down payments on all gun purchases Looks like the New York Post reads TTAG . . . Several gun-related businesses were suddenly — and without warning — disrupted in recent weeks when Intuit...
Intuit Credit Card Gun Retailers Ban Congress NSSF

Big Bank Blowback, Nervous in New York and Sub Gun Fun – TTAG Daily...

Handgun retailers lobbying Congress after credit shutdown Time to sweat a few CEOs under the lights like they did Zuckerberg . . . Cut off by their credit card processors, some handgun retailers are asking Congress...
Incredible 2 Guns

Incredible Guns, Worthless Endorsements and a #Duped Hogg – TTAG Daily Digest

'Incredibles 2' Is Filled With Guns — Despite Being In A World Where Futuristic Tech Could've Replaced Them Just Fine Pearls...clutched ever so tightly . . . After a 14-year wait, Incredibles 2 has hit theaters...
Stripe Anti-Gun Credit Card Processing Bank Gun Industry

An Anti-Gun Stripe, More American Guns and What Hollywood Gets Wrong – TTAG Daily...

Gun industry sees banks as new threat to 2nd Amendment Is your bank trying to dictate political and social policy for its customers? . . . In the wake of high-profile mass shootings, corporate America has...