TTAG Daily Digest – BofA’s PR BS, Kanye and Emma, and a Check on...
BofA says 151 employees were affected by mass shootings in U.S.
They're responding to all the flack they're getting for dropping gun companies with a BS PR barrage . . .
Bank of America's new policy...
TTAG Daily Digest – WWJW, David at the Dinner and Making Our Streets Safer
Does Jesus Want Gun-Toting Christians?
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition . . .
“If you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one,” Jesus once told his disciples. Also Jesus: “all who...
TTAG Daily Digest: The Power of Cash, Free Assembly in Brooklyn and Targeting Semi-Automatics
The NRA broke a fundraising record after Parkland. Will that sway elections?
Younger adults are notoriously unreliable voters . . .
As students marched for gun control after the Parkland shootings, members of the National Rifle...
TTAG Daily Digest: Rick Scott vs. the NRA, What the CDC is Hiding and...
Will Gov. Scott push back hard against NRA’s lawsuit — or will he roll over?
How is that Senate campaign going, Governor Scott?
The NRA suing the Florida Legislature is like a parent suing the children....
TTAG Daily Digest: A Pro-Gun Walkout, Guns for Jobs and the Wages of Gun...
Nationwide Pro-Second Amendment Student Walkout will be Held May 2nd
Let's see how accommodating schools are for this walk-out . . .
On March 14, 2018, students walked out of their classes demanding more gun control....
TTAG Daily Digest: Hijacking the Movement, More Red Flags and Bring Back the Draft
McConaughey fears March for Our Lives will get 'hijacked'
Alright, alright, alright . . .
A month after speaking at the March for Our Lives in his hometown of Austin, Texas, Matthew McConaughey says he supports...
TTAG Daily Digest: Canadian TEC-9s, Losing the Fight and Dropping the Ball in Ohio
Photos of illegal TEC-9 submachine gun factory operating in Montreal
You can't stop the signal . . .
Photos have emerged of an underground gun factory which operated in Montreal, Canada to produce high quality copies...
TTAG Daily Digest – Blaming the AR, Talking About Guns and The Worst Gun...
MSNBC: ‘Real Criminal’ in Waffle House Shooting Was AR-15, Pro-Gun Culture
Stephens recently called or the repeal of the Second Amendment, too . . .
In a stunning attempt to shift blame for Sunday’s deadly shooting...
TTAG Daily Digest: Emma Wants Your 10/22, Gun Jobs in Idaho and Outrage Over...
Parkland Student Calls For Confiscation Of All Semi-Automatic Firearms
Leader of the Authoritarian High School Lollipop Guild is coming for your semi-auto guns . . .
On Sunday, the most recognizable far-left activist from Parkland, Florida...
TTAG Daily Digest: The Scotts’ Consequences, Bloomberg’s Lament and a Matter of Commitment
The ground is shifting on gun control. Vermont is a sign.
The Scotts will need to be taught an electoral lesson . . .
That Mr. Scott is facing reelection in November makes his swivel in...
TTAG Daily Digest: Hoggs Cashing In, a Die-In In Phoenix and Punching Back in...
Parkland Students Lauren and David Hogg Sign Book Deal
Of course they have. And look for an announcement soon about their new MSNBC variety show . . .
Lauren and David Hogg, two students who survived...
TTAG Daily Digest: Pining for Utopia, Teaching the Second First and Vox Does Kyle
What if all guns disappeared?
They keep hoping and it never seems to happen . . .
The most obvious effect of such a disappearance is simple: no gun deaths. Approximately 500,000 people around the world...