TTAG Daily Digest: The Value of Full Auto, Self-Defense in the UK and Criminals...
How One Man Got Rich Selling Machine Guns - Thanks to overregulation, machine guns are rare, expensive and sought-after . . .
Over the past decade, patient investors benefited greatly from one of the longest economic expansions in...
TTAG Daily Digest: The Gun Control Bellwether, Restricting Cops’ Use of Guns and Silicon...
Florida, the 'Gunshine State,' tries on new role: gun-control bellwether - This is the rep Rick Scott will take into his run for the Senate this fall . . .
"Florida has been the petri...
TTAG Daily Digest: California Dreaming, What the Media Says and Trusting James Comey
After YouTube HQ Shooting, Witness Says, 'I Didn't Have a Gun on Me, But I Wish I Did' - Not everyone in California is on board with that whole civilian disarmament thing . ....
TTAG Daily Digest: ‘Bama’s Embarrassment, Going on the Offensive and No Guns for Black...
Democrat: A gun ban is not ‘feasible right now’ - Heck of a job, Alabama. This is what you're stuck with. A Senator who's only against an assault weapons ban because he doesn't think...
TTAG Daily Digest: The Importance of Turnout, The Only Issue They Have and The...
After Gun Control Marches, ‘It’ll Go Away’ vs. ‘We Are Not Cynical Yet’ - Which group do you think is more likely to vote? . . .
For more than a month now, the questions...
TTAG Daily Digest: A Rare MSNBC Talking Head, The Confused National Interest and New...
I’ve Supported the Second Amendment My Whole Life. It’s Time for Reasonable Gun Control - Oh look, TIME finds an MSNBC analyst who's for gun control. There's a real black swan event . ....
TTAG Daily Digest: The Irresponsible Truth, an NRA Cash Infusion and Panicky Democrats
Why the Stevens gun manifesto is beyond irresponsible - Mostly because it tells the world exactly what the anti-gun left really wants . . .
The notion that repeal would be simple is a fantasy....
TTAG Daily Digest: More FBI Flim-Flammery, Another Brick in the New Jersey Wall and...
Prosecutors Admit Decade-Long Relationship With Pulse Shooter’s Father Despite Terror Tip - The modern FBI is a critically flawed, startlingly dysfunctional operation . . .
Though former FBI Director James Comey painted Omar as a...
TTAG Daily Digest: Deep-Rooted Astroturf, The Gun Debate is Over and Shutting Down High...
How the Parkland students pulled off a massive national protest in only 5 weeks - The Parkland students didn't do it. The civilian disarmament industrial complex did. That's commonly known as Astroturf . ....
TTAG Daily Digest: The Pope Says Keep Shouting, Colion On Offense and That Other...
Keep shouting, don't become anesthetized, pope tells young people - Thanks, but David Hogg and his pals probably doesn't need much egging on . . .
Pope Francis, starting Holy Week services leading to Easter,...
TTAG Daily Digest: #MarchForOurLives Narrative Fail, Bradys Try Again and the First School Shooting
NARRATIVE FAIL: Tons Of ‘Good Guys With Guns’ Protecting #MarchForOurLives Gun Control Rally - Without double standards, they wouldn't have any at all . . .
On Saturday, thousands of left-leaning people descended on the...
TTAG Daily Digest: A Failure of Leadership, A Lightning Response and Never Give Up...
America’s Gun Violence Represents A Failure Of Leadership, Not Laws - Well duh . . .
Everything that happened in Florida that led to the horrific shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School is a lesson...