Boxer Tactical Daily Digest 5.2.16: Less is Moore

25 I apologize for the low volume of the pro-gun control speech above. Or not. As we've previously reported, Ms. Moore is leading Scientology's Everytown for Gun Safety's Hollywood insurgency. I'm sure that they will...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest 5.3.16

After some Hamlet-like hemming and hawing, Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam has decided to let a campus carry half-measure bill become law without his signature. "The bill allows full-time faculty, staff and other employees of Tennessee's public...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest 5.4.16

Researchers: Medical errors now third leading cause of death in United States - "Their analysis, published in the BMJ on Tuesday, shows that "medical errors" in hospitals and other health care facilities are incredibly...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest 5.5.16

Cop Shoots Barely Injured Cat He Says Was a Threat - "'Officer Pursell made a decision to, in his judgment, humanely end the cat's life and suffering,' Morganelli said. 'Officer Pursell fired a single shot from...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest 5.6.16: Tough Grannies, Vets Who Won’t Back Down, and...

  'I'm not just the typical granny:' 80-year old shoots, kills intruder - "'I was just intent upon stopping him. I didn't have any other thought in my head,' says (Barb) Moles. 'I just knew I...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest: 5.9.16 Hillary, “The Only Ones”, Battlefield and More

Trump Is Right: Hillary Clinton Wants To Take Your Guns - "The media refused to believe him. CNN stated Trump’s claims were 'wild' and that Clinton 'has never argued for abolishing the Second Amendment.' Ben Jacobs...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest: 5.10.16 – Hillary’s Executive Orders, Hoosiers Tooling Up and...

As pronounces, "Some people might balk at a president who threatens to rule by decree when Congress insists on exercising its constitutional right to approve and disapprove legislation, but maybe that's a bit...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest: 5.11.16 – Arizona Preemption, Chicago Motherhood and One Angry...

Gov. Doug Ducey signs 2 gun bills, vetoes another - "Gov. Doug Ducey has signed legislation allowing guns closer to schools and penalizing cities with gun laws stricter than the state's. But he vetoed a...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest: 5.12.16 – Bloomberg’s Cash, Sammy Davis’s 1911 and ...

Gun Control Group Moves to Block Missouri’s Constitutional Carry - "The Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund and the Missouri chapter of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, both funded in part...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest: 5.13.16: An Open Carry Gun Grab, Smart Gun Mandates...

Man steals gun from man in line at Phoenix McDonalds - "On April 7, at Southern and Central Avenues the suspect approached a man ordering from behind before taking the pistol from the man's back...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest: 5.16.16 – Magical Thinking, A Leaky Island and Rachel...

Nation needs stricter, safer gun control - A student op/ed. At Berkely, no less. It's everything you'd expect, and less. "If firearms are banned from being manufactured and obtained by the public in this country...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest: 5.17.16 – Killer Guns, Dueling Dems and a Hitler...

How the NRA Keeps Killer Guns on the Market - OMG! Killer guns! They're out there! "In the past eight years, 11 states have passed NRA-backed laws encouraging or requiring police to resell confiscated guns. The legislation...