Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day – Phil Mason Ruiz

Hoosier Phil only totes the basics...and no wimpy little pocket gun for him. See what he's carrying at Everyday Carry . . .

Vedder Holsters Daily Digest: More Michael Brown, Shooting ‘Trump’ and (Again) Warning Shots are...

https://youtu.be/0_lJrX74Gvc New surveillance footage of Michael Brown sparks protests - "New video captured hours before Michael Brown was killed shows the 18-year-old exchanging marijuana for cigarillos with the clerks of a Ferguson, Missouri, store, a...

Vedder Holsters Daily Digest: Draining the ATF Swamp, Liberal Gun Stores and a Massive...

Gosh, wonder what else we'll unearth at the ATF under the new administration . . . Obama DOJ Failed to Stop Mexican Cartel Murder of ICE Agent with Smuggled Guns - "The Obama administration had numerous...

Vedder Holsters Daily Digest: Progress in NJ, Legal Action in MN and an Imposter...

Baby steps . . . New Jersey: Gov. Christie Follows Through on Concealed Carry Reform - "Yesterday, Governor Chris Christie announced that his administration has formally adopted the police rules introduced in 2016 which more clearly...

Vedder Holsters Daily Digest: Drone Defense in Bellevue, Hysteria in San Antonio and Opening...

https://youtu.be/Kuv7gYyY6FA We'd grab a Benelli Nova Pump, but that's just us . . . Watch this woman pull gun on drone hovering over her home - "The drone’s-eye video shows the drone hovering close to a house. A woman appears...

Vedder Holsters Daily Digest: Tax Dollars for Bloomberg, This is Not a Murse and...

Because Bloomberg-owned astroturf groups have always been tragically under-funded . . . Minnesota Dem. Pushes To “Gift” Taxpayer Funds To Gun Control Groups - "Minnesota State Senator Jeff Hayden is pushing legislation that would...

Vedder Holsters Daily Digest: Building the Wall, Guns Under Trump and Community College Carry

Ultimately, does it really matter who builds it? . . . Maybe Mexico should build a wall to keep out our guns - "Most of the weapons used by criminal groups in Mexico originate in the...

Vedder Holsters Daily Digest: Racist Terrorism, a Light-Fingered Baggage Handler and a Cautionary Tale

The consequences of racist douchebaggery . . . They waved the Confederate flag and a shotgun at a black child’s party. Now they’re headed to prison on terrorism charges. - "The 10 men and five...

Daily Digest: NRA-ILA on Cornyn’s Bill, Shooting at Pipelines and Sleeping with Guns in...

Fairfax is on board with Cornyn's bill . . . NRA Backs Concealed Carry Reciprocity Bill in U.S. Senate - "On behalf of its five-million members, the National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action...

Daily Digest: Dems Keep Digging, LEO Smart Guns and Extreme Prejudice in North Korea

Progs give themselves a wedgie . . . Women with guns: The next threat to the Democratic Party - "The marketing approach varies. Smith & Wesson, the firearms giant, uses large interactive weapons displays. Much smaller,...

Daily Digest: Next Judicial Steps, Guntry Clubs, and Off-Duty Rules of Engagement

https://youtu.be/uTX_5uH_L2w Job 1: confirm Neil Gorsuch . . . Gun Groups Evaluate Options After Court Upholds Maryland Assault-Weapons Ban - "The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) says it’s “evaluating all legal options” after a federal appeals court on...

Daily Digest: Another Advanced Country, Assault Glasses and the Wrong Backpack

Remember, mass shootings don't happen in any other advanced country like they do here . . . Updated: France Had More Casualties From Mass Public Shootings in 2015 Than the US Suffered During Obama's Entire...