Daily Digest: The Narrative is Everything, CNN’s Silver Lining, and Ammunition Wines

What TeenVogue Doesn’t Want You to Know About Your Gun Rights - "As a teenager growing up in north central Florida, Teen Vogue was one of my favorite magazines. It spoke to my interest...

Daily Digest: The Obama Effect, Guns Raise Funds, and Completing a Bucket List

You knew this, but it's always fun to read it again . . . Gun Sales Soared 60% During Obama's Presidency - "According to data from the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System, widely considered...

Daily Digest: Freaking Out the Anti-Gunners, the Last Pure Gun Play, and Research Under...

Massad Ayoob on . . . National Concealed Carry Reciprocity - "As written, it would appear that a resident of, say, San Francisco who currently pretty much has to get elected to the city’s...

Daily Digest: Pop Psychology, Blaming Us, and Russia Uses the Big Guns

From the Survey of American Fears . . . The psychology of why 94 deaths from terrorism are scarier than 301,797 deaths from guns - "According to the New America Foundation, jihadists killed 94 people...

Daily Digest: Moms Making it Up, the District’s ‘Exotic’ Guns and an Enterprising Peshmerga

Hoplophobic harridan spouts bogus statistics in support of failed agenda . . . 'Gun sense' advocate visits Rock Island -  “'States that have implemented background checks have already prevented nearly 300,000 gun sales to domestic...

Daily Digest: Artistic Expression, Irony on the South Side, and Using the Right Guns...

https://youtu.be/lp1A3VB6Fg8 In case you needed a reason to support school choice . . . Dallas High School Teacher Posts Video "Shooting" Trump With Squirt Gun In Classroom - "The video was captioned with 'Watching the #inauguration...

Daily Digest: Trump’s Agenda, Shannon Flails, and Lefties Learn to Count to Two

Go long on suppressors . . . 3 Gun Laws President Trump Could Change Within the Next Month - "The NRA spent more than $36 million on advertising supporting its favored candidates during the 2016...

Daily Digest – Shooting Hipsters, Subversion in California, and the Key to a Good...

Hipsters hit the range . . . Creative Types Learn to Shoot Guns - "Ross Smith is a self-described 'visual anthropologist;' in the past, he has photographed gun owners and female boxers. At the...

Daily Digest: Leaving California, Shannon’s Latest Contender, and Machine Guns by the Thousands

The exodus continues apace . . . More gun jobs in Gallatin: Beretta supplier uproots HQ from San Diego - "On Jan. 11, Axem Distributing Inc. announced that it is moving its corporate offices to...

Daily Digest: California Doxing, the Ongoing Oregunpocalypse, and Chief Art in the Big City

California DOJ doxes gun safety instructors . . . CA DOJ's Willful Disclosure of Firearm Safety Instructors' Private Information was Prompted by a Local NPR Reporter - "(T)he California Department of Justice began mailing letters like...

Daily Digest: Army Agronomy, Blaming the Victim, and Public School Kid-Shaming

Launch a grenade, plant a tree . . . US Army Asks for Biodegradable Ammo - "The request was made via the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program. Specifically, the DoD wants 'biodegradable training ammunition loaded...

Daily Digest: Inconvenient Data, A Near Miss, and Promoting a Culture of Violence

D'oh! . . . The CDC’s latest report on firearms might not make many gun control activists happy - "Gun rights advocates have long defended their right to bear arms out of a need for...