Texas Firearms Festival Daily Digest: Hoplophilia, Turning Back Time and Loving the War on...

Hoplophilia: Bang, Bang: Inside The Bizarre World Of Gun Fetishists - "While political pundits might use the phrase “gun fetishist” as an exaggerated insult to conservatives, for some folks, it’s actually a spot-on description of...

Texas Firearms Festival Daily Digest: Macho Propaganda, Peeling Off the Kids, and Knowing When...

A few too many: I Have a Few Words for Gun Fanatics Following the Dallas Mass Shooting - "As I sat back on Friday, watching the usual “blame game” go back and forth between the...

Texas Firearms Festival Daily Digest: A Black Cop’s View, Wayne SWATted, and Blaming Texas’s...

TL;DR A Black Police officer against Black Lives Matter. Worth the read - "I realized that some of these people, who say Black Lives Matter, are full of hate and racism. Hate for cops, because of...

Texas Firearms Festival – Daily Digest: Another Pituitary Hoplophobe, Uber Lifts Lyft, and Questions...

IN a recent post, RF advised TTAG's Armed Intelligentsia not to listen to/financially support celebrities when it comes to gun control. Another case in point: New York Knicks b-baller Joakim Noah : Q: If you were...

Texas Firearms Festival Daily Digest: Special Saturday Edition

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuJfu-vK_tM Man accused of pulling gun on Portland protesters was armed with multiple magazines of ammo, prosecutor says - "Michael Strickland, the 36-year-old man accused of pulling a gun on Don't Shoot PDX protesters marching...

Texas Firearms Festival Daily Digest: A Mystery Gun, Dems Issuing Threats and Time to...

Alton Sterling bought gun just hours before he was shot dead by police in Baton Rouge - "A friend of Alton Sterling says the Baton Rouge man bought a gun for protection only hours...

Texas Firearms Festival Daily Digest: A Run on Guns, Actions Have Consequences, and Fixing...

Guns Sales Have Spiked 40% Since Orlando Shooting - "In June the FBI conducted about 2.1 million background checks on people attempting to purchase firearms, according to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). That’s...

Daily Digest: Defining Gun-Grabbing Down, Questions No One is Asking, and The Gay Split...

Gov. Brown takes middle road on guns - "Gov. Jerry Brown, ever the compromiser on gun-regulation matters, kept to form last week. Neither the San Bernardino nor Orlando massacres could move the former state attorney...

TTAG Daily Digest: Foreign Gun Food, California Schemin’, and Packing in Cleveland

Ammunition imports shoot up nearly 50% - "The American appetite for ammo has driven a surge in bullet imports. Ammunition imports rose 48.9% in the 12 months ended May 2016, according to a report...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest: Lowering the Citizenship Bar, Prescription Guns and Politicians Buying...

Because who would even consider bearing arms to defend the homeland? Obama Removes “Bear Arms” Clause from Citizenship Oath - "The climax of the process is taking the oath of citizenship. This is the point...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest: Kreskin’s Cri de Coeur, Guns in a Cali School...

https://youtu.be/lwQrqz2QXH0 It doesn't take the brain-bending paranormal powers of a 70's era mentalist to divine where The Amazing Kreskin is going in this video on the topic of guns. Despite the somnambulistic delivery, he hasn't...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest: Feds Tooling Up, Jersey Clamping Down, and Ronald McDonald...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2jgpGyyQW8 The rabidly anti-gun Daily News discovers that the feds are tooling up: Non-military federal agencies are spending billions on guns, ammo and military gear, report finds - “'As the Obama administration and its allies are...