Boxer Tactical Daily Digest: The Chicago Way, Hunting With a GLOCK 43 and...
That’s the Chicago Way: Drug Suspect Violently Resists Arrest, Released from Jail Without Charges - "What happened next followed the same tiresome script we have come to expect: Neighborhood thug gets caught breaking the...
Boxer Tactical Daily Digest: Kuntzman Returns! Crowder Pwns and Open Carry Baseball
Why do gun lovers delight in seeing a 7-year-old firing an AR-15 rifle like the Sig Sauer used in Orlando? - Gun wimp Gersh Kuntzman doesn't get it. Again. Still. "Gun advocates want to normalize...
Boxer Tactical Daily Digest: The Culture War, Gawker Gets One Right, and More Than...
The Left's Phony War on Guns - "We could be putting violent criminals away for gun-related crimes for longer terms and monitoring them more aggressively through an improved parole system. We could do that...
Boxer Tactical Daily Digest: A Guardian Epiphany, a DHS Breach and a Confession of...
The uncomfortable truth about gun rights supporters – sometimes they are right - Particularly uncomfortable given the source - the UK's left-of-Bernie Guardian newspaper. "But these numbers have to be put in context. The number...
Boxer Tactical Daily Digest: The Current Watchlist Law, The Impulse to Censor and...
Suspected Terrorists and Guns - "In February 2004, the Department of Justice began checking prospective gun buyers against what the FBI calls the Known or Suspected Terrorist File — which includes the Terrorist Screening Database,...
Reaction to Senate Rejection of Four Gun Control Bills: Morning Digest
It's the morning after the Senate failed to pass four gun control bills. For Democrats it's the mourning after. As you can see from the video above, pro-civilian disarmament pols wasted no time gnashing their terrible...
Boxer Tactical Daily Digest: More of the Same, Toomey’s Challenge, and the ACLU...
How Democrats cynically abandoned all principle on guns - "Democrats will almost certainly lose these votes, but they are still important in what they signal about the developing Democratic thinking on gun policy —...
Boxer Tactical Daily Digest: CA FOAD? Another Media Straw Purchase and the Rest...
Sheriff Warren's thinking about bailing on California thanks to the Golden State's ongoing anti-gun jihad. TTAG's Armed Intelligentsia are split on this issue: stay and fight for firearms freedom or run to a free state? Personally,...
Boxer Tactical Daily Digest: Lots of Bad News and Some Good
The gun the Orlando shooter used was a Sig Sauer MCX, not an AR-15. That doesn’t change much. Direct impingement vs. gas piston rifle tech for gun muggles, courtesy The Washington Post. Snarky headline...
Boxer Tactical Daily Digest: Unique Deadliness, A Senator Sees the Light, and Timepieces...
Guns in America: A history of violence - "The main difficulty for academics studying the link between guns and gun crime, however, is the lack of a true counterfactual. A researcher cannot hold all...
Boxer Tactical Daily Digest 6.10.16: Open Carry in Cali, Too Much Awesomeness for...
Ruling on concealed weapons spotlights California's key role in gun debate - As you'd expect, the gloating came fast and furiously yesterday. “'It should not be minimized how big a victory this was for...
Boxer Tactical Daily Digest: Racking a Round, Super Rifles and Stupid Selfie Tricks
Dispelling myths of the 12 gauge shotgun - "One of my personal favorites is 'you just need to rack the shotgun and criminals will run'. This is utter nonsense. In my first shooting, the...