Boxer Tactical Daily Digest: The Chicago Way, Hunting With a GLOCK 43 and...

That’s the Chicago Way: Drug Suspect Violently Resists Arrest, Released from Jail Without Charges - "What happened next followed the same tiresome script we have come to expect: Neighborhood thug gets caught breaking the...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest: Kuntzman Returns! Crowder Pwns and Open Carry Baseball

72 Why do gun lovers delight in seeing a 7-year-old firing an AR-15 rifle like the Sig Sauer used in Orlando? - Gun wimp Gersh Kuntzman doesn't get it. Again. Still. "Gun advocates want to normalize...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest: The Culture War, Gawker Gets One Right, and More Than...

The Left's Phony War on Guns - "We could be putting violent criminals away for gun-related crimes for longer terms and monitoring them more aggressively through an improved parole system. We could do that...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest: A Guardian Epiphany, a DHS Breach and a Confession of...

The uncomfortable truth about gun rights supporters – sometimes they are right - Particularly uncomfortable given the source - the UK's left-of-Bernie Guardian newspaper. "But these numbers have to be put in context. The number...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest: The Current Watchlist Law, The Impulse to Censor and...

Suspected Terrorists and Guns - "In February 2004, the Department of Justice began checking prospective gun buyers against what the FBI calls the Known or Suspected Terrorist File — which includes the Terrorist Screening Database,...

Reaction to Senate Rejection of Four Gun Control Bills: Morning Digest

71 It's the morning after the Senate failed to pass four gun control bills. For Democrats it's the mourning after. As you can see from the video above, pro-civilian disarmament pols wasted no time gnashing their terrible...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest: More of the Same, Toomey’s Challenge, and the ACLU...

How Democrats cynically abandoned all principle on guns - "Democrats will almost certainly lose these votes, but they are still important in what they signal about the developing Democratic thinking on gun policy —...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest: CA FOAD? Another Media Straw Purchase and the Rest...

61 Sheriff Warren's thinking about bailing on California thanks to the Golden State's ongoing anti-gun jihad. TTAG's Armed Intelligentsia are split on this issue: stay and fight for firearms freedom or run to a free state? Personally,...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest: Lots of Bad News and Some Good

The gun the Orlando shooter used was a Sig Sauer MCX, not an AR-15. That doesn’t change much. Direct impingement vs. gas piston rifle tech for gun muggles, courtesy The Washington Post. Snarky headline...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest: Unique Deadliness, A Senator Sees the Light, and Timepieces...

Guns in America: A history of violence - "The main difficulty for academics studying the link between guns and gun crime, however, is the lack of a true counterfactual. A researcher cannot hold all...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest 6.10.16: Open Carry in Cali, Too Much Awesomeness for...

Ruling on concealed weapons spotlights California's key role in gun debate - As you'd expect, the gloating came fast and furiously yesterday. “'It should not be minimized how big a victory this was for...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest: Racking a Round, Super Rifles and Stupid Selfie Tricks

Dispelling myths of the 12 gauge shotgun - "One of my personal favorites is 'you just need to rack the shotgun and criminals will run'. This is utter nonsense. In my first shooting, the...