TTAG Daily Digest – Moms Demand Legislation, Anger Management and the Dream of Firearm...

May they know the same amount of success in these efforts as they have in trying to push gun control . . . Moms who became gun control activists are now running for office Gustafson, who...
A man lost his truck because of five rounds of ammunition.

TTAG Daily Digest – The Price of Five Bullets, Post Las Vegas Gunshaming and...

Man Loses Truck For Two Years Over A Few Bullets; Civil Asset Forfeiture Abuses Rage On In September of 2015, Gerardo Serrano was driving from his home in Kentucky to visit relatives in Mexico. When...
Time for UK subjects to turn in their guns. Again.

TTAG Daily Digest: The Latest UK Weapons Surrender, Damn the PLCAA and Learning to...

Police launch two-week weapons surrender in England and Wales People in England and Wales have two weeks to hand in guns, other weapons and ammunition to police stations without being punished for possession. People who surrender...
Cabot Guns' Trump 45 pistol

TTAG Morning Digest: Cabot’s Trump .45, Death Rifles and Gun Crime Soars in the...

Trolling anti-gunners with a $50,000 gold pistol . . . The Trump 45 Aims To Make Presidential Guns Great Again In addition to its gold finish, the Trump 45 has its name engraved on one...
Why doesn't the NRA care about marijuana patients' gun rights?

TTAG Morning Digest: Marijuana Patients’ Gun Rights, The NRA’s Dream Bill and Oh, Canada

The latest argument against gun registration . . . Hey, NRA! What About Patients’ Gun Rights? So, Hawaii isn’t taking patients’ gun rights because Hawaii believes medical marijuana patients are abusing marijuana. Hawaii is taking patients’...
How the AR became the most popular rifle in America

TTAG Morning Digest: ‘Ugly’ Unwanted Weapons, the TSA’s Growing Haul and a Bulletproof Business

Rational consumers reacting to the threat of prohibition . . . How an 'ugly,' unwanted weapon became the most popular rifle in America The lines at Hyatt Guns, his shop in Charlotte, North Carolina, snaked...

TTAG Daily Digest: Everytown Gets it Backwards, Large Capacity Cartridges and Jim Almighty

Anti-Gun Group Tweets a Photo of a Gun...That's Loaded Backwards - No, smart ass, it wasn't an HK . . . Everytown For Gun Safety, an anti-gun activist group known for posting all kinds of...

TTAG Daily Digest: California Dreaming, What the Media Says and Trusting James Comey

After YouTube HQ Shooting, Witness Says, 'I Didn't Have a Gun on Me, But I Wish I Did' - Not everyone in California is on board with that whole civilian disarmament thing . ....

TTAG Daily Digest: The Value of Full Auto, Self-Defense in the UK and Criminals...

How One Man Got Rich Selling Machine Guns - Thanks to overregulation, machine guns are rare, expensive and sought-after . . . Over the past decade, patient investors benefited greatly from one of the longest economic expansions in...
http://digitalVermont Gov. Phil

TTAG Daily Digest: The Scotts’ Consequences, Bloomberg’s Lament and a Matter of Commitment

The ground is shifting on gun control. Vermont is a sign. The Scotts will need to be taught an electoral lesson . . . That Mr. Scott is facing reelection in November makes his swivel in...

TTAG Daily Digest: Emma Wants Your 10/22, Gun Jobs in Idaho and Outrage Over...

Parkland Student Calls For Confiscation Of All Semi-Automatic Firearms Leader of the Authoritarian High School Lollipop Guild is coming for your semi-auto guns . . . On Sunday, the most recognizable far-left activist from Parkland, Florida...

TTAG Daily Digest: Ayatollahs for Gun Control, the Gun Divide and Amy’s Birthday Wish

Ayatollah Khamenei Calls for Gun Control—in the U.S. Expect to see his endorsement on the Moms Demand Action and Brady Campaign websites by Monday . . . Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the...