Boxer Tactical Daily Digest 6.8.16: Democrats Evolve, Jungle Love, and Load Bearing Equipment

Jacob Sullum at writes, "Contrary to what Clinton claims, an understanding of the Second Amendment that lets politicians impose whatever gun restrictions strike their fancy, including outright bans, is anything but 'a nuanced reading.' Clinton's...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest 6.7.16: Overwrought Gun Nuts, Creative Decisions, and a Modern...

Worrying about who a President Pantsuit might nominate to the highest court in the land? Relax, gun nuts. The Atlantic wants you to know that your knickers are in a twist over nothing. Why the...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest 6.6.16: The Military’s (Still) Looking for a New Pistol,...

US Army moves ahead with handgun replacement programme - Nothing happens fast in the military. "Entrants are understood to include Beretta's APX, Ceská zbrojovka's CZ P-09, FN Herstal's Five-Seven Mk 2, General Dynamics Ordnance and...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest 6.3.16: Moms Want President Pantsuit, NRA Provides Rifles and...

Surprising precisely no one, Gun Control Group Backs Hillary Clinton and Pledges Help With Primary - “'Gun Sense Voters have a champion in Hillary Clinton,' John Feinblatt, the president of Everytown for Gun Safety, said in the...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest 6.2.16: High Finance, Low Down Dirty Scum and Carrying...

How Many Guns Is Your 401(k) Buying? - "Data from Lab80, the research team behind a new financial tool called GoodbyeGunStocks, reveals that a huge number of American workers are making a high-risk, high-reward investment in the manufacturing of guns and ammunition. Individual...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest 6.1.16: Softball Questions, Kids With Guns and Another Rapper...

Pelosi grilled by San Francisco middle schoolers on guns, Trump -  "The visit to the Mission neighborhood private school capped the students’ yearlong civics project about gun control, which included producing a newspaper, a website...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest 5.31.16: Libertarian Boorishness, Syrian Inventiveness and Saudi Peevishness

Why do Libertarian Party candidates hate guns so much? That seems a valid, if unlikely question, first in the wake of the party's nomination of an unapologetically gun control loving VP candidate. Now, the top of...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest 5.25.16: AG’s Mugging, T-Shirts Flapping, and Weinberg Dissembling

There was a dog and pony show at the White House yesterday for anti-gun attorneys general to mug for the cameras and appear to be "doing something" about "gun violence." From the Boston Globe's...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest 5.24.16: Gun Sales Up, Tactical Spork and AL’s AG’s...

Hillary Clinton could beat Obama's record in driving gun sales - President Pantsuit would no doubt move lots of heaters. "On the campaign trail in New Hampshire, Clinton said that Australia's national buy-back program for...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest 5.23.16:

Stage set for historic 2016 showdown over guns - And according to MSNBC, it's all the NRA's fault. "The group's message used to effectively be, 'Play ball with us and we’ll leave you alone.' That’s transformed...

Potato Gun Vs. Watermelon: Just Thought I’d Leave This Here

20 The antis promote the idea that gun owners are dangerous people. To their way of thinking , any of us could go psycho and start shooting innocent people. A logic trail that leads straight to civilian disarmament; inherently dangerous...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest 5.20.16: Cinemark Skates, Camo Carpet and Brokaw Bloviates

Non-law enforcement armed Americans are this country's first responders -- provided they're on the scene when the sh*t goes down. Sometimes they are, sometimes they're not. When it comes to spree killers or terrorists,...