Boxer Tactical Daily Digest 5.19.16: GLOCK Bots and Agitprop

34 Already on our Christmas list: The Little Tank Robot That Carries a Glock "(T)he bot's weapon is a Glock 26 'Baby Glock' pistol, a popular lightweight version of the bestselling handgun. It's not actually built into the Dogo....

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest: 5.17.16 – Killer Guns, Dueling Dems and a Hitler...

How the NRA Keeps Killer Guns on the Market - OMG! Killer guns! They're out there! "In the past eight years, 11 states have passed NRA-backed laws encouraging or requiring police to resell confiscated guns. The legislation...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest: 5.16.16 – Magical Thinking, A Leaky Island and Rachel...

Nation needs stricter, safer gun control - A student op/ed. At Berkely, no less. It's everything you'd expect, and less. "If firearms are banned from being manufactured and obtained by the public in this country...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest: 5.13.16: An Open Carry Gun Grab, Smart Gun Mandates...

Man steals gun from man in line at Phoenix McDonalds - "On April 7, at Southern and Central Avenues the suspect approached a man ordering from behind before taking the pistol from the man's back...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest: 5.12.16 – Bloomberg’s Cash, Sammy Davis’s 1911 and ...

Gun Control Group Moves to Block Missouri’s Constitutional Carry - "The Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund and the Missouri chapter of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, both funded in part...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest: 5.11.16 – Arizona Preemption, Chicago Motherhood and One Angry...

Gov. Doug Ducey signs 2 gun bills, vetoes another - "Gov. Doug Ducey has signed legislation allowing guns closer to schools and penalizing cities with gun laws stricter than the state's. But he vetoed a...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest: 5.10.16 – Hillary’s Executive Orders, Hoosiers Tooling Up and...

As pronounces, "Some people might balk at a president who threatens to rule by decree when Congress insists on exercising its constitutional right to approve and disapprove legislation, but maybe that's a bit...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest: 5.9.16 Hillary, “The Only Ones”, Battlefield and More

Trump Is Right: Hillary Clinton Wants To Take Your Guns - "The media refused to believe him. CNN stated Trump’s claims were 'wild' and that Clinton 'has never argued for abolishing the Second Amendment.' Ben Jacobs...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest 5.6.16: Tough Grannies, Vets Who Won’t Back Down, and...

  'I'm not just the typical granny:' 80-year old shoots, kills intruder - "'I was just intent upon stopping him. I didn't have any other thought in my head,' says (Barb) Moles. 'I just knew I...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest 5.5.16

Cop Shoots Barely Injured Cat He Says Was a Threat - "'Officer Pursell made a decision to, in his judgment, humanely end the cat's life and suffering,' Morganelli said. 'Officer Pursell fired a single shot from...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest 5.4.16

Researchers: Medical errors now third leading cause of death in United States - "Their analysis, published in the BMJ on Tuesday, shows that "medical errors" in hospitals and other health care facilities are incredibly...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest 5.3.16

After some Hamlet-like hemming and hawing, Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam has decided to let a campus carry half-measure bill become law without his signature. "The bill allows full-time faculty, staff and other employees of Tennessee's public...