Boxer Tactical Daily Digest 5.2.16: Less is Moore

25 I apologize for the low volume of the pro-gun control speech above. Or not. As we've previously reported, Ms. Moore is leading Scientology's Everytown for Gun Safety's Hollywood insurgency. I'm sure that they will...

Daily Digest 4.28.16: Oz Hearts Gun Control, Russia Set for Civilian Disarmament and More

51 Australia data shows gun controls a huge success 20 years after mass shooting - provided correlation equals causation. Which it doesn't. Unless you want it to. Proponents of civilian disarmament do. That's why they...

Daily Digest 4.27.16: High School Rifle Range, Ruger Rocks, Grandma is a Gunnie and...

42 Culture eats strategy for lunch. While the opening of a shooting range in North Carolina's Smithfield-Selma High School is a JROTC endeavor, and I doubt we'll get back to kids openly carrying their rifles to school...

TTAG Daily Digest 4.26.16

On Guns, Clinton Runs Both Left and Right, Depending on Her Audience - Thus surprising absolutely no one . . . Tamir Rice settlement should help educate kids on guns, Cleveland police union president says - Really?...

TTAG Daily Digest 4.25.16

Another Chicago Record: 1,000 Gunshot Victims In Shortest Time In Decades - "At 1,000 victims, this year's shooting toll exceeds last year's total at this point — about 600 victims — by more than...

TTAG Daily Digest 4.22.16

Have you entered our spring content contest yet? No? Well get on the stick because you only have another week left. The deadline is midnight April 30. Everyone wants a free gun, and the...

TTAG Daily Digest 4.21.16

Anonymous professor confesses she doesn't want to give recommendation to student who's into guns. - "Later, when Sarah was a student in another one of my courses, I overheard her confiding that she was...

TTAG Daily Digest 4.20.16

Lawmakers advance gun control measures in response to San Bernardino massacre. Because, as places like Chicago have demonstrated so clearly, more restrictions on Second Amendment freedoms have always been such smashing successes. And making murder...

Daily Digest 4.19.16

Former Maryland governor and one-time obscure presidential candidate Martin O'Malley led an anti-gun jihad in the Old Line State after Newtown. Which is why NPR reports today that, Seeking a Warmer Welcome, Gun Factory Moves Down...

TTAG Daily Digest 8.18.16

In a "tearful plea" to Bernie Sanders, New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand advises the septuagenarian socialist to drop his support -- such as it is -- for civilian gun rights. " Politico quotes her...

TTAG Daily Digest 4.15.16

Happy tax day, if that's even possible. As Daniel Webster once opined, the power to tax it the power to destroy. And that's why, as happy clappy as the idea of replacing the IRS...

TTAG Daily Digest 4.14.16

Yesterday was Open Carry Day at the Michigan state capital in Lansing. “'I was watching them out my office window and they were marching around the Capitol with signs and guns. And if they entered...