TTAG Daily Digest 4.13.16
Maybe you caught our quote of the day yesterday. It featured New Orleans Saints head coach Sean Payton reacting to one of his players being shot to death after a New Orleans traffic mishap. The...
TTAG Daily Digest: 4.12.16
Yawn. Dozens of Newsweeek readers are learning today that Silicon Valley is Targeting Smart Guns. We've been reading this same article in various forms for, what, three...four years now? Ron Conway and his Smart...
TTAG Daily Digest: 4.11.15
BAM! Howard Stern shows anti-gun nut producer how ignorant his 2nd Amendment argument is - It's come to this...Howard Stern is now a voice of reason on the Second Amendment. In other news...
TTAG Daily Digest 4.8.16
Beware the tea kettle of death . . .
Feds: Couple made false statements to obtain 20 guns - A rare federal prosecution over 4473 falsification. Will wonders never cease?
Idea of checking guns at van...
TTAG Daily Digest 4.7.16
As we've reported before, our friends in the Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex -- the CSGV in particular -- love to advocate calling 911 on anyone spotted carrying a gun. But now a ruling in...
Daily Digest 4.6.16
Thanks in part to the Obama's botched Middle East policy, Europe is accepting millions of immigrants from Africa and the Middle East. Some of whom are ISIS infiltrators. The bloody attacks in Paris and Belgium are only the...
TTAG Daily Digest 4.5.16
As this morning's quote notes, the prevailing political climate bodes well for gun sales (and makers). Yet the market isn't impressed. Gun stocks sink as background checks hit decade low. We wouldn't sell that SWHC or...
TTAG Daily Digest 4.1.16
Yes, well, it is April 1. And whether or not you go in for the never-ending yukfest of practical jokes, you have to appreciate the Photoshop job. So thanks to Outdoor Hub and their...
TTAG Daily Digest 3.31.16
We've suspected for a while now that it's only a matter of time before Facebook's Mark "Fight ISIS With Love" Zuckerberg pulls the plug entirely on all gun-related content. They banned all FB-facilitated firearms...
TTAG Daily Digest 03.30.16
H.L. Mencken didn't suffer fools gladly. He liked to hand out free financial advice, too! Like when he wrote that you'd never go broke underestimating the intelligence of common people. We tend to disagree and...
Daily Digest 3.29.16
TTAG's Daily Digest never suffers from acid indigestion. It has a stomach for all gun news, no matter how bilious. In today's installment, a police chief freaks-out about his stolen AR (looks like his colleagues rounded-up the...
TTAG Daily Digest: 3.28.16
Criminals get guns. In the case above, robbers drove a semi-tractor trailer's cab into a gun store to score . . . a few handguns. There ought to be a law! Meanwhile, there's...