TTAG Daily Digest 03.25.16

33 Guns make great props. Props to/for the Democrats for their foolish consistency -- bringing out scary "assault rifles" whenever they want to scare people into surrendering their gun rights. The above video hails from the...

TTAG Daily Digest 3.24.16

Don't mess with Texas! And if you do, don't bother applying for state employment. Here in The Lone Star state we're gainfully employed assembling the TTAG Daily Digest for your dining and dancing pleasure while armed...

TTAG Daily Digest 3.23.16

23 According to Jerry Miculek, the FN M249s i the modern equivalent of the 1860 Henry Rifle. You gonna argue with the Eric Clapton of guns? Meanwhile, TTAG's Daily Digest offers a smörgåsbord of firearms-related news: another taste of...

Daily Digest 3.22.16

37 Tonight's TTAG Daily Digest finds Luke Skywalker disarming while NPR shudders at armed teachers in Kansas. We check-in with the gun control paradise known as Chicago and discover that TMZ is now pro-gun! Ballistic bubbly? That and more after...

TTAG Daily Digest 3.21.16

Hansel and Gretel (Have Guns) - The dynamic duo's foray into the woods goes much better for all concerned when they take their long guns with them in a NRA Family re-write. Next up:...

TTAG Daily Digest 3.20.16

Since Matt in FL found gainful employment, TTAG's Daily Digest has languished in obscurity, fondly recalled by BITD-OFWGs (Back In The Day Old Fat White Guys). In the interest of reader engagement I hereby pronounce...