Getting 3D Printing Totally Wrong, Flipping and Flopping and Countering Corporate Gun Control —...

The Judge in the Latest 3D-Printed Gun Case Got 3D Printing Totally Wrong No. Really? . . . The law that supposedly prohibits the posting of the schematic is an export control law, the Arms Export Control...
Eminent Domain 3D Guns

Stopping the Signal Via Eminent Domain, Another Billionaire Gets Involved and a SF Campus...

Copyright Law Could Stop 3-D Printed Guns. Should It? The latest strategy to stop the signal: seize 3D gun file copyrights using eminent domain . . . Like a computer program, the plastic gun schematic is...
Michael Moore Parkland Gun Control David Hogg

Moore and Hogg Team Up, Gun Stocks Rising and a Botched Burglary – TTAG...

LOL: Michael Moore, Parkland Students Partner Together... To 'Save America' Michael Moore and Parkland Funky Bunch, together at last . . . Michael Moore is known for his crazy, conspiracy-ridden movies that Lefties just love. He's back...again, and...
Amber Guyger Police Shooting

Something Stinks in Dallas, a Narrative Explodes and a Not-So-Charming City – TTAG Daily...

The Worst Police Shooting Yet This stinks to high heaven . . . This is what we know so far. Jean was home alone in his apartment in the South Side Flats complexin Dallas when police...

VIDEO: Gas Station Shootout, Brady Background Checks Fail to Deliver, and Pincus Appointed to...

  Brady Background Check has Failed to Live Up to its Promises You mean the system is flawed?... “ATF agents did not consider most of the prohibited persons who had obtained guns to be dangerous.” Those words, quoted...

Darwin Award Contender Robs Store Full of Cops, Bloomberg Ups the Anti-Gun Ante to...

'South Park' Arms the Students in Season Premiere About School Shootings This really is how the anti-gun left sees the world . . . Essentially, there had been so many shootings at South Park Elementary, the...

Kavanaugh Confirmation Advances, Woman Shoots Captor with Captor’s Gun, and Civilian Disarmament for Dummies...

Despite Efforts from Democrats, Kavanaugh's Confirmation Keeps Moving Forward Reported by AWR Hawkins . . . There is a slightly larger divide between those who have a “Very Favorable” opinion on Kavanaugh, 36 percent, and those...

Daily Digest 3.22.16

37 Tonight's TTAG Daily Digest finds Luke Skywalker disarming while NPR shudders at armed teachers in Kansas. We check-in with the gun control paradise known as Chicago and discover that TMZ is now pro-gun! Ballistic bubbly? That and more after...

TTAG Daily Digest 4.5.16

As this morning's quote notes, the prevailing political climate bodes well for gun sales (and makers). Yet the market isn't impressed. Gun stocks sink as background checks hit decade low. We wouldn't sell that SWHC or...

Daily Digest 4.27.16: High School Rifle Range, Ruger Rocks, Grandma is a Gunnie and...

42 Culture eats strategy for lunch. While the opening of a shooting range in North Carolina's Smithfield-Selma High School is a JROTC endeavor, and I doubt we'll get back to kids openly carrying their rifles to school...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest 5.6.16: Tough Grannies, Vets Who Won’t Back Down, and...

  'I'm not just the typical granny:' 80-year old shoots, kills intruder - "'I was just intent upon stopping him. I didn't have any other thought in my head,' says (Barb) Moles. 'I just knew I...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest: 5.9.16 Hillary, “The Only Ones”, Battlefield and More

Trump Is Right: Hillary Clinton Wants To Take Your Guns - "The media refused to believe him. CNN stated Trump’s claims were 'wild' and that Clinton 'has never argued for abolishing the Second Amendment.' Ben Jacobs...