Boxer Tactical Daily Digest: 5.11.16 – Arizona Preemption, Chicago Motherhood and One Angry...

Gov. Doug Ducey signs 2 gun bills, vetoes another - "Gov. Doug Ducey has signed legislation allowing guns closer to schools and penalizing cities with gun laws stricter than the state's. But he vetoed a...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest 5.19.16: GLOCK Bots and Agitprop

34 Already on our Christmas list: The Little Tank Robot That Carries a Glock "(T)he bot's weapon is a Glock 26 'Baby Glock' pistol, a popular lightweight version of the bestselling handgun. It's not actually built into the Dogo....

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest 6.1.16: Softball Questions, Kids With Guns and Another Rapper...

Pelosi grilled by San Francisco middle schoolers on guns, Trump -  "The visit to the Mission neighborhood private school capped the students’ yearlong civics project about gun control, which included producing a newspaper, a website...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest 6.3.16: Moms Want President Pantsuit, NRA Provides Rifles and...

Surprising precisely no one, Gun Control Group Backs Hillary Clinton and Pledges Help With Primary - “'Gun Sense Voters have a champion in Hillary Clinton,' John Feinblatt, the president of Everytown for Gun Safety, said in the...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest 6.7.16: Overwrought Gun Nuts, Creative Decisions, and a Modern...

Worrying about who a President Pantsuit might nominate to the highest court in the land? Relax, gun nuts. The Atlantic wants you to know that your knickers are in a twist over nothing. Why the...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest: The Current Watchlist Law, The Impulse to Censor and...

Suspected Terrorists and Guns - "In February 2004, the Department of Justice began checking prospective gun buyers against what the FBI calls the Known or Suspected Terrorist File — which includes the Terrorist Screening Database,...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest: Kuntzman Returns! Crowder Pwns and Open Carry Baseball

72 Why do gun lovers delight in seeing a 7-year-old firing an AR-15 rifle like the Sig Sauer used in Orlando? - Gun wimp Gersh Kuntzman doesn't get it. Again. Still. "Gun advocates want to normalize...

Texas Firearms Festival Daily Digest: Foster Parents are Americans Too, Mixed Signals, and Chumps...

SAF Sues Illinois Over Foster Parents' Civil Rights - "The Second Amendment Foundation today filed a lawsuit against the State of Illinois on behalf of two foster parents, alleging deprivation of civil rights under...

Texas Firearms Festival Daily Digest: Georgia Perp Derp, a Blast from the Past, and...

We don't know who manages the Oconee County Georgia Sheriff's MyFace page, but if he/she ever wants to write for a gun blog, we know one that'd be happy to have him/her: "The Party...

Springfield Armory Daily Digest: California’s Irish Democrats, Smokable Rifles, and Putting Up Barriers

Irish democracy takes hold in the Golden State: California Gun Owners Are Lashing Out Against New Firearms Laws - "Assured that he was not talking to the police, Joe straightened up and declared that...

Springfield Armory Daily Digest: Be Careful Who You Support, Know When to Drop Your...

Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas: Gabby Giffords Endorses Pat Toomey, Mark Kirk for Caving on Gun Control - "On August 22 Gabby Giffords and her husband Mark Kelly praised Senators Pat...

Daily Digest: Save Our Guns, Smart About Smart Guns, and Lines Out the Door

Save Our Guns - "You may recall a few years ago the City held a oddly named “Gun Buyback” event, oddly named since the City of Tucson did not sell the guns in the...