Defensive Gun Use of the Day: Practice Makes Perfect Edition

Bart and Melissa Ardis of Oakdale, California, had a practiced plan in place should a perp penetrate their perimeter (sorry, that just happened). Read the story at the The Modesto Bee for the full play-by-play of...

Defensive Gun Use of the Day: Honeytrap Edition

  "Erika Sanez, 20, of 5925 72nd Ave., Apt. 4, met Travis Weller of Tampa about a month ago and the two agreed to meet Friday morning for a date," reports. "They met at 8903 Plum Grove...

Defensive Gun Use of the Day: Size Matters Edition

What's the bet that West Seattle shopkeeper Robert Moore saw Crocodile Dundee. Specifically the scene where the Aussie-out-of-water tells a would-be Big Apple mugger, "That's not a knife. That's a knife." The difference here: it's...

Armed Good Samaritan Should Have Walked Away. Or So Says The Ventilated Perp’s Family.

"You should have just left the store and went wherever you had to go in your car or whatever.” These words of Solomonic wisdom were uttered by the family of 18 year-old Adric White...

Defensive Gun use of the Day: Winging It Edition

Over at tanger100 comments on the defensive gun use in the video above : "Guess these thug teenagers were just bored as well, that's why they went after this hard-working man. How sad society...

Defensive [Non] Gun Use of the Day: Man Fights Robber At Gun Point in...

46 "What would you do if you were confronted with masked man pointing a gun in your face?" asks. "Not many of us would have done what John McGowan did." It was Jimmy Hoffa who...

It Should Have Been A DGU: Norway Edition

Imagine that you're on a nearly-empty rural bus at night, driving through the mountains. One of the passengers pulls out a knife and stabs another other in the chest. Now he's coming for you....

Defensive Gun Use of the Day (Maybe): Lie in Wait in Edition

  "All reported cases of criminal gun use, as well as many of the so-called self-defense gun uses, appear to be socially undesirable." That's the bottom line from Harvard's David Hemenway and Deborah Azrael in their study Violence...

It Could Have Been A DGU: YouTube Axe Prank Edition

  What would you do if you saw a man at a gas station wearing a motorcycle helmet and jacket, attacking a motorist with this forester's axe? Assuming that you had the cojones (and the appropriate...

Defensive Gun Use of the Day: Providential Purse Edition

“'He didn’t get the money, and I didn’t have to shoot anybody,' (Gary) Spencer said, relieved. 'The good citizens actually got to take one home yesterday. It felt good to help somebody out, you...

Defensive Gun Use Of The Day: Pendleton Skateboard Punk Edition

51 I absolutely hate off-leash dogs in public. Whether their dog is a beagle, weinerdog, poodle or pit bull, many dog owners just know that their lovey little puppy would never hurt a soul. But...

Defensive Gun Use of the Day: Vehicular Edition

RF hasn't secured his Texas CHL yet, but he may want to accelerate that process. Or maybe stay out of South Austin. "A man responding to an activated security alarm at a South Austin...