Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day – Ashley

Ashley knows her guns. The FNS9-C (double stack) and Kahr CM9 (single stack) are two of the best EDC choices on the market. Check out everything she carries at Everyday Carry . . .

Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day – 1RidgeRunner7

What does an off duty LEO carry? You're looking at it...blade, 'tactical' pen and a .40 cal. See all the details at Everyday Carry . . .

Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day – Glenn Oliver

If you carry a gun, you probably carry every day. Glenn does, including Sundays. See what he carries to church at Everyday Carry . . .

Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day – Giovanni

Package guru Gio is nothing if not prepared. He totes everything from ballistic deterrence to illumination (X3) to hydration to combustion with him on his rounds. The general would be proud. Check out everything...

Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day – Shady Erickson

Shady, a civil engineer, says he carries this compilation all day every day. And why not? A good, reliable, concealable nine and only the additional gear you're most likely to need on a daily...

Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day: Tony Oliver

As Tony writes, the "pistol added on the weekends, although it is close during business hours of the work week." See everything Tony totes at Everyday Carry . . .

Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day – Joe Tedeschi

With a slim single stack nine, a blade, a light and a watch, Joe's got just about the prototypical EDC compliment. See what he carries at Everyday Carry . . .

Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day – Dave Ung

There's only a week left in summer, but that doesn't mean it still isn't pretty toasty in large swaths of the country. As Dave writes, "this is normally a summer carry since I do not...

Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day – Donald Gatlin

Donald describes this as his "church carry" EDC load out, calling it "simple and effective." Word. See what he'd carrying at Everyday Carry . . .

Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day – Ben Blake

Ben, who works in the firearms industry, says he doesn't leave the house without this kit. Makes sense to us. See all of his must-carry gear at Everyday Carry . . .

Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day: Paul

Paul, a quality engineer, apparently subscribes to the "two is one and one is none" maxim. If you have the pocket space and sacroiliac, why not? See exactly what this engineer carries at Everyday...

Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day – Nick

It's remarkable how few of these pocket dumps include a 1911. This one that Nick carries -- what looks like it could be milspec Springfield -- isn't a smaller compact or commander model, but...